Jayanta Das
Jayanta Das
Professor at Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
ยืนยันอีเมลแล้วที่ metal.iitkgp.ac.in - หน้าแรก
“Work-hardenable” ductile bulk metallic glass
J Das, MB Tang, KB Kim, R Theissmann, F Baier, WH Wang, J Eckert
Physical review letters 94 (20), 205501, 2005
Mechanical properties of bulk metallic glasses and composites
J Eckert, J Das, S Pauly, C Duhamel
Journal of materials research 22 (2), 285-301, 2007
Is the energy density a reliable parameter for materials synthesis by selective laser melting?
KG Prashanth, S Scudino, T Maity, J Das, J Eckert
Materials Research Letters 5 (6), 386-390, 2017
Heterogeneity of a Cu 47.5 Zr 47.5 Al 5 bulk metallic glass
KB Kim, J Das, F Baier, MB Tang, WH Wang, J Eckert
Applied physics letters 88 (5), 051911-051911-3, 2006
Deformation-induced martensitic transformation in Cu–Zr–(Al, Ti) bulk metallic glass composites
S Pauly, J Das, J Bednarcik, N Mattern, KB Kim, DH Kim, J Eckert
Scripta Materialia 60 (6), 431-434, 2009
Effect of aspect ratio on the compressive deformation and fracture behaviour of Zr-based bulk metallic glass
ZF Zhang, H Zhang, XF Pan, J Das, J Eckert
Philosophical magazine letters 85 (10), 513-521, 2005
High strength ductile Cu-base metallic glass
J Eckert, J Das, KB Kim, F Baier, MB Tang, WH Wang, ZF Zhang
Intermetallics 14 (8-9), 876-881, 2006
High-strength Ti-base ultrafine eutectic with enhanced ductility
J Das, KB Kim, F Baier, W Löser, J Eckert
Applied Physics Letters 87 (16), 161907, 2005
Improved plasticity of bulk metallic glasses upon cold rolling
MH Lee, KS Lee, J Das, J Thomas, U Kühn, J Eckert
Scripta Materialia 62 (9), 678-681, 2010
Tunable (violet to green) emission by high-yield graphene quantum dots and exploiting its unique properties towards sun-light-driven photocatalysis and supercapacitor electrode …
S Kumar, AK Ojha, B Ahmed, A Kumar, J Das, A Materny
Materials Today Communications 11, 76-86, 2017
High strength Ti–Fe–Sn ultrafine composites with large plasticity
LC Zhang, J Das, HB Lu, C Duhamel, M Calin, J Eckert
Scripta materialia 57 (2), 101-104, 2007
High-strength Zr-Nb-(Cu, Ni, Al) composites with enhanced plasticity
J Das, W Löser, U Kühn, J Eckert, SK Roy, L Schultz
Applied physics letters 82 (26), 4690-4692, 2003
Phase stability and its effect on the deformation behavior of Ti–Nb–Ta–In/Cr β alloys
W Xu, KB Kim, J Das, M Calin, J Eckert
Scripta materialia 54 (11), 1943-1948, 2006
A review on nano-/ultrafine advanced eutectic alloys
B Chanda, G Potnis, PP Jana, J Das
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 827, 154226, 2020
Fabrication and mechanical properties of Ni–Nb metallic glass particle-reinforced Al-based metal matrix composite
P Yu, KB Kim, J Das, F Baier, W Xu, J Eckert
Scripta materialia 54 (8), 1445-1450, 2006
Phase formation and thermal stability in Cu–Zr–Ti (Al) metallic glasses
S Pauly, J Das, N Mattern, DH Kim, J Eckert
Intermetallics 17 (6), 453-462, 2009
Wavy cleavage fracture of bulk metallic glass
ZF Zhang, FF Wu, W Gao, J Tan, ZG Wang, M Stoica, J Das, J Eckert, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (25), 251917, 2006
Dynamic softening and indentation size effect in a Zr-based bulk glass-forming alloy
N Van Steenberge, J Sort, A Concustell, J Das, S Scudino, S Suriñach, ...
Scripta materialia 56 (7), 605-608, 2007
Plasticity induced by nanoparticle dispersions in bulk metallic glasses
K Hajlaoui, AR Yavari, A LeMoulec, WJ Botta, FG Vaughan, J Das, ...
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 353 (3), 327-331, 2007
Structural evolution of Cu–Zr metallic glasses under tension
N Mattern, J Bednarčik, S Pauly, G Wang, J Das, J Eckert
Acta materialia 57 (14), 4133-4139, 2009
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