Takip et
Jaewan Yang (양재완)
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
How does leader-member exchange disparity affect teamwork behavior and effectiveness in work groups? The moderating role of leader-leader exchange
AO Herdman, J Yang, JB Arthur
Journal of Management 43 (5), 1498-1523, 2017
How top management HR beliefs and values affect high‐performance work system adoption and implementation effectiveness
JB Arthur, AO Herdman, J Yang
Human Resource Management 55 (3), 413-435, 2016
Implementing commitment HR practices: line manager attributions and employee reactions
J Yang, JB Arthur
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (16), 3339-3369, 2021
Pushing forward high-performance work systems in the hotel industry: A procedural-justice climate to promote higher unit-level outcomes
J Yang, Y Kim, PB Kim
Tourism Management 87, 104385, 2021
Which way to high performance? Comparing performance effects of high-performance work system components in small-to medium-sized establishments
JB Arthur, AO Herdman, J Yang
ILR Review 74 (2), 352-387, 2021
Thriving organizational sustainability through innovation: Incivility climate and teamwork
J Yang
Sustainability 8 (9), 860, 2016
Implementing sustainable human resources practices: Leadership style matters
J Yang, JY Lew
Sustainability 12 (5), 1794, 2020
고성과 인적자원관리 제도의 수립 및 실행이 종업원의 공정성 지각 및 조직 시민행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
조직과 인사관리연구 40 (2), 135-161, 2016
Emotional labor directed at leaders: The differential effects of surface and deep acting on LMX
J Yang, Y Huang, S Zhou
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 32 (9), 2070-2089, 2021
Leveraging leader–leader exchange to enrich the effect of leader–member exchange on team innovation
J Yang
Journal of Management & Organization 26 (4), 555-570, 2020
직무 수행 노력에 있어 외재적 동기요인이 가지는 복합적인 영향에 관한 연구
장은미, 양재완
조직과 인사관리연구 26 (1), 0-0, 2002
How a climate for incivility affects business unit performance: Testing a linkage model
JB Arthur, AO Herdman, J Yang
Academy of Management Proceedings 2011 (1), 1-7, 2011
인공지능 시대의 지속 가능한 인재관리 전략
박우성, 양재완
Korea Business Review 24 (신년 특별호), 189-209, 2020
Artificial intelligence-based hiring: an exploratory study of hiring market reactions
J Yang, M Im, S Choi, J Kim, DH Ko
Japan Labor Issues 5 (32), 41-55, 2021
Workforce 애널리틱스의 이해와 전략적 활용
양재완, 박우성
조직과 인사관리연구 44 (2), 77-101, 2020
Does LMX differentiation affect work group effectiveness? The role of leader-leader exchange
AO Herdman, J Yang, JB Arthur
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 13843, 2014
Churn analysis for the first successful candidates in the entrance examination for K university
KI Kim, SH Kim, EY Kim, H Kim, JW Yang, JS Cho
Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society 18 (1), 1-10, 2007
고성과작업시스템의 변화가 인적자원성과와 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
조일현, 양재완
대한경영학회지 33 (12), 2313-2331, 2020
조직무례가 지식공유에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 변혁적 리더십의 조절효과: 변혁적 리더십의 조절효과
대한경영학회지 31 (5), 1009-1031, 2018
고몰입작업시스템을 통한 조직 양면성 향상: 사회적 자본과 혁신지향적 조직문화의 역할
양재완, 조일현
인사조직연구 30 (2), 1-29, 2022
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