Takip et
Zhang Peng
Zhang Peng
fudan.edu.cn üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Cross-modal ambiguity learning for multimodal fake news detection
Y Chen, D Li, P Zhang, J Sui, Q Lv, L Tun, L Shang
Proceedings of the ACM web conference 2022, 2897-2905, 2022
A novel approach to task assignment in a cooperative multi-agent design system
H Liu, P Zhang, B Hu, P Moore
Applied Intelligence 43, 162-175, 2015
Exploring antecedents and consequences of toxicity in online discussions: A case study on reddit
Y Xia, H Zhu, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-computer Interaction 4 (CSCW2), 1-23, 2020
Cl4ctr: A contrastive learning framework for ctr prediction
F Wang, Y Wang, D Li, H Gu, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Proceedings of the Sixteenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and …, 2023
Enhancing CTR prediction with context-aware feature representation learning
F Wang, Y Wang, D Li, H Gu, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Proceedings of the 45th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and …, 2022
Crowd simulation based on constrained and controlled group formation
P Zhang, H Liu, Y Ding
The Visual Computer 31, 5-18, 2015
Dynamic bee colony algorithm based on multi-species co-evolution
P Zhang, H Liu, Y Ding
Applied intelligence 40, 427-440, 2014
Hybrid recommendation model based on incremental collaborative filtering and content-based algorithms
H Wang, P Zhang, T Lu, H Gu, N Gu
2017 IEEE 21st international conference on computer supported cooperative …, 2017
Group-based latent dirichlet allocation (group-lda): Effective audience detection for books in online social media
P Zhang, H Gu, M Gartrell, T Lu, D Yang, X Ding, N Gu
Knowledge-Based Systems 105, 134-146, 2016
Incremental graph convolutional network for collaborative filtering
J Xia, D Li, H Gu, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information …, 2021
Cooperative Co‐evolutionary Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Hierarchical Communication Model
C Hu, H Liu, P Zhang
Chinese Journal of Electronics 25 (3), 570-576, 2016
Towards deeper, lighter and interpretable cross network for ctr prediction
F Wang, H Gu, D Li, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2023
Data engagement reconsidered: a study of automatic stress tracking technology in use
X Ding, S Wei, X Gui, N Gu, P Zhang
Proceedings of the 2021 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2021
Personalized graph signal processing for collaborative filtering
J Liu, D Li, H Gu, T Lu, P Zhang, L Shang, N Gu
Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023, 1264-1272, 2023
Rah! recsys-assistant-human: A human-central recommendation framework with large language models
Y Shu, H Gu, P Zhang, H Zhang, T Lu, D Li, N Gu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2308.09904, 2023
Behavior prediction using an improved Hidden Markov Model to support people with disabilities in smart homes
E Wu, P Zhang, T Lu, H Gu, N Gu
2016 IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2016
Understanding relationship overlapping on social network sites: A case study of Weibo and Douban
P Zhang, H Zhu, T Lu, H Gu, W Huang, N Gu
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-computer Interaction 1 (CSCW), 1-18, 2017
Autoseqrec: Autoencoder for efficient sequential recommendation
S Liu, J Liu, H Gu, D Li, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Information and …, 2023
Parameter-free dynamic graph embedding for link prediction
J Liu, D Li, H Gu, T Lu, P Zhang, N Gu
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 27623-27635, 2022
A reliable cross-site user generated content modeling method based on topic model
B Liu, P Zhang, T Lu, N Gu
Knowledge-Based Systems 209, 106435, 2020
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