Takip et
Pavel Andreev
Pavel Andreev
Associate Professor of Physics, Moscow State University
physics.msu.ru üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Separated spin-up and spin-down quantum hydrodynamics of degenerated electrons: Spin-electron acoustic wave appearance
PA Andreev
Physical Review E 91 (3), 033111, 2015
Problem with the single-particle description and the spectra of intrinsic modes of degenerate boson-fermion systems
PA Andreev, LS Kuzmenkov
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 78 (5), 053624, 2008
Quantum hydrodynamics approach to the formation of waves in polarized two-dimensional systems of charged and neutral particles
PA Andreev, LS Kuzmenkov, MI Trukhanova
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (24), 245401, 2011
Oblique propagation of longitudinal waves in magnetized spin-1/2 plasmas: independent evolution of spin-up and spin-down electrons
PA Andreev, LS Kuz’menkov
Annals of Physics 361, 278-292, 2015
Exchange effects in Coulomb quantum plasmas: dispersion of waves in 2D and 3D quantum plasmas
PA Andreev
Annals of Physics 350, 198-210, 2014
Spin-electron acoustic soliton and exchange interaction in separate spin evolution quantum plasmas
PA Andreev
Physics of Plasmas 23 (1), 2016
Waves of magnetic moment and generation of waves by neutron beam in quantum magnetized plasma
PA Andreev, LS Kuz'Menkov
International Journal of Modern Physics B 26 (32), 1250186, 2012
Nonlinear separate spin evolution in degenerate electron-positron-ion plasmas
Z Iqbal, PA Andreev
Physics of Plasmas 23 (6), 2016
Rich eight-branch spectrum of the oblique propagating longitudinal waves in partially spin-polarized electron-positron-ion plasmas
PA Andreev, Z Iqbal
Physical Review E 93 (3), 033209, 2016
On equations for the evolution of collective phenomena in fermion systems
PA Andreev, LS Kuz’menkov
Russian Physics Journal 50 (12), 1251-1258, 2007
Eigenwaves in a two-component system of particles with nonzero magnetic moments
PA Andreev, LS Kuz’menkov
Moscow University Physics Bulletin 62 (5), 271-276, 2007
Surface spin-electron acoustic waves in magnetically ordered metals
PA Andreev, LS Kuz'Menkov
Applied Physics Letters 108 (19), 2016
Separated spin-up and spin-down evolution of degenerated electrons in two-dimensional systems: Dispersion of longitudinal collective excitations in plane and nanotube geometry
PA Andreev, LS Kuz'Menkov
Europhysics Letters 113 (1), 17001, 2015
Quantum kinetics of spinning neutral particles: General theory and Spin wave dispersion
PA Andreev
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 432, 108-126, 2015
Spin-electron acoustic waves: The Landau damping and ion contribution in the spectrum
PA Andreev
Physics of Plasmas 23 (6), 2016
Exchange interaction effects on waves in magnetized quantum plasmas
MI Trukhanova, PA Andreev
Physics of Plasmas 22 (2), 2015
Quantum hydrodynamics of the spinor Bose–Einstein condensate at non-zero temperatures
PA Andreev, IN Mosaki, MI Trukhanova
Physics of Fluids 33 (6), 2021
Bright-like soliton solution in quasi-one-dimensional BEC in third order by interaction radius
PA Andreev, LS Kuz'Menkov
Modern Physics Letters B 26 (23), 1250152, 2012
Kinetic analysis of spin current contribution to spectrum of electromagnetic waves in spin-1/2 plasma. I. Dielectric permeability tensor for magnetized plasmas
PA Andreev
Physics of Plasmas 24 (2), 2017
First principles derivation of NLS equation for BEC with cubic and quintic nonlinearities at nonzero temperature: dispersion of linear waves
PA Andreev
International Journal of Modern Physics B 27 (06), 1350017, 2013
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