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Farid Kamal Muzaki
Farid Kamal Muzaki
Dosen/Pengajar, Biology Department, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Screening of antimicrobial activity of sponges extracts from Pasir Putih, East Java (Indonesia)
YP Cita, FK Muzaki, OK Radjasa, P Sudarmono
Journal of Marine Science: Research & Development 7 (237), 2, 2017
Menjelajah Mangrove Surabaya
FK Muzaki
Pusat Studi Kelautan, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Institut …, 2012
Community structure of Echinoderms in seagrass beds of Pacitan beaches, East Java, Indonesia
FK Muzaki, E Setiawan, GFA Insany, NK Dewi, IB Subagio
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (7), 2019
Diversity of sea cucumber from intertidal area of Pacitan and Bangkalan, East Java, Indonesia
ED Aulia, FK Muzaki, D Saptarini, E Setiawan, D Setiamarga, ID Lutvianti, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (4), 2021
Community structure of fish larvae in mangroves with different root types in Labuhan coastal area, Sepulu–Madura
FK Muzaki, A Giffari, D Saptarini
AIP Conference Proceedings 1854 (1), 2017
Survival and growth of Acropora millepora coral fragments transplanted in turbid water of Sepulu, Bangkalan–Madura
FK Muzaki, D Saptarini, IR Azizah, IK Sari, ATE Pramono
Ecology, Environment & Conservation Paper 26, 26-31, 2020
Studi Keanekaragaman dan Kelimpahan Crustacea pada Area Padang Lamun Pantai Bama dan Kajang, Taman Nasional Baluran
FK Muzaki, VEL Rifsanjani
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 7 (2), 20-26, 2019
Bioaktivitas ekstrak batang Xylocarpus granatum sebagai anti black spot alternatif pada Litopenaeus vannamei pasca panen
L Kartikasari, APD Nurhayati, E Setiawan, D Hidayati, NM Ashuri, ...
Journal of Tropical Biodiversity and Biotechnology 2 (1), 16, 2017
Buharianto. 2019. Short Communication: Growth rate of Acropora muricata coral fragments transplanted on dome-shaped concrete artificial reef with different compositions
FK Muzaki, R Hanifa, R Akhwady, D Saptarini
Biodiversitas 20 (6), 1555-1559, 0
Keanekaragaman Ophisthobranchia di Ekosistem Terumbu Karang di Selat Madura
FK Muzaki, S Dian
Makalah Kongres dan Seminar MATAKI II, 1-12, 2011
Growth rate of Acropora muricata coral fragments transplanted on dome-shaped concrete artificial reef with different composition
FK Muzaki, R Hanifa, R Akhwady, D Saptarini, B BUHARIANTO
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (6), 2019
Juvenile and small fish diversity in mangroves of different root types in the Labuhan Coastal Area, Bangkalan, Indonesia
FK Muzaki, D Saptarini, AS Ibadah
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 20 (6), 2019
Antimalarial activity of Neopetrosia exigua extract in mice
S Abdillah, RW Ahmad, FK Muzaki, NM Noor
journal of pharmacy research 6 (8), 799-803, 2013
Sponge diversity at Pecaron Bay Situbondo based on macroscopic and microscopic observation
E Setiawan, APD Nurhayati, FK Muzaki
IPTEK The Journal for Technology and Science 20 (4), 2009
Diversity of sponges associated in seagrass meadows at coastal area of Pacitan District, East Java, Indonesia
E Setiawan, MR CHODIANTORO, GF Insany, IB Subagio, NK Dewi, ...
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 22 (8), 2021
Revegetation increase bird diversity in coastal area of Socorejo, Tuban, East Java–Indonesia
YI Lestari, W Edi, A Alivvy, AS Ibadah, FY Sari, F Nuraini, A Yanuar, ...
AIP Conference Proceedings 1854 (1), 2017
Study On Coral Lifeform And Species That Susceptible Of Bleaching In PLTU Paiton Water
S Dian, FK Muzaki
Proceeding Japan-Indonesia Workshop on Estuary and Climate Change, 2010
Bioakumulasi mikroplastik pada daging ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) di keramba jaring apung ranu grati, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
EAT Utomo, FK Muzaki
Jurnal Sains dan Seni ITS 11 (5), E26-E33, 2023
Diversity and Feeding Guild of Birds Along Gradient of Revegetated Area in Karst Ecosystem: a Case Study from Rembang, Central Java
DW Humami, PAW Sujono, FK Muzaki, AP Fadhlillah, E Drianto, YI Lestari
Biosaintifika: Journal of Biology & Biology Education 14 (3), 373-382, 2022
Panduan Lapangan. Identifikasi Jenis Mangrove Pesisir Jawa Timur.
FK Muzaki, D Saptarini, I Trisnawati, MM Aunurohim, I Desmawati
Laboratorium Ekologi, Departemen Biologi. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh …, 2019
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