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Sibani Lisa Biswal
Sibani Lisa Biswal
rice.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Visualizing oil displacement with foam in a microfluidic device with permeability contrast
CA Conn, K Ma, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Lab on a Chip 14 (20), 3968-3977, 2014
Visualization of improved sweep with foam in heterogeneous porous media using microfluidics
K Ma, R Liontas, CA Conn, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Soft Matter 8 (41), 10669-10675, 2012
Micromixing with linked chains of paramagnetic particles
SL Biswal, AP Gast
Analytical chemistry 76 (21), 6448-6455, 2004
Estimation of parameters for the simulation of foam flow through porous media. Part 1: the dry-out effect
K Ma, JL Lopez-Salinas, MC Puerto, CA Miller, SL Biswal, GJ Hirasaki
Energy & fuels 27 (5), 2363-2375, 2013
Adsorption of cationic and anionic surfactants on natural and synthetic carbonate materials
K Ma, L Cui, Y Dong, T Wang, C Da, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Journal of colloid and interface science 408, 164-172, 2013
Surface complexation modeling of calcite zeta potential measurements in brines with mixed potential determining ions (Ca2+, CO32−, Mg2+, SO42−) for characterizing carbonate …
J Song, Y Zeng, L Wang, X Duan, M Puerto, WG Chapman, SL Biswal, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 506, 169-179, 2017
Rotational dynamics of semiflexible paramagnetic particle chains
SL Biswal, AP Gast
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 69 (4 …, 2004
Gold-coated porous silicon films as anodes for lithium ion batteries
M Thakur, M Isaacson, SL Sinsabaugh, MS Wong, SL Biswal
Journal of Power Sources 205, 426-432, 2012
Surface properties of bottlebrush polymer thin films
X Li, SL Prukop, SL Biswal, R Verduzco
Macromolecules 45 (17), 7118-7127, 2012
Switchable Nonionic to Cationic Ethoxylated Amine Surfactants for CO2 Enhanced Oil Recovery in High-Temperature, High-Salinity Carbonate Reservoirs
Y Chen, AS Elhag, BM Poon, L Cui, K Ma, SY Liao, PP Reddy, ...
SPE journal 19 (02), 249-259, 2014
Mechanics of semiflexible chains formed by poly (ethylene glycol)-linked paramagnetic particles
SL Biswal, AP Gast
Physical Review E 68 (2), 021402, 2003
Freestanding macroporous silicon and pyrolyzed polyacrylonitrile as a composite anode for lithium ion batteries
M Thakur, RB Pernites, N Nitta, M Isaacson, SL Sinsabaugh, MS Wong, ...
Chemistry of Materials 24 (15), 2998-3003, 2012
Inexpensive method for producing macroporous silicon particulates (MPSPs) with pyrolyzed polyacrylonitrile for lithium ion batteries
M Thakur, SL Sinsabaugh, MJ Isaacson, MS Wong, SL Biswal
Scientific reports 2 (1), 795, 2012
Carbon dioxide/water foams stabilized with a zwitterionic surfactant at temperatures up to 150 C in high salinity brine
C Da, S Alzobaidi, G Jian, L Zhang, SL Biswal, GJ Hirasaki, KP Johnston
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 166, 880-890, 2018
Static adsorption of an ethoxylated nonionic surfactant on carbonate minerals
G Jian, MC Puerto, A Wehowsky, P Dong, KP Johnston, GJ Hirasaki, ...
Langmuir 32 (40), 10244-10252, 2016
Role of gas type on foam transport in porous media
Y Zeng, R Farajzadeh, AA Eftekhari, S Vincent-Bonnieu, A Muthuswamy, ...
Langmuir 32 (25), 6239-6245, 2016
Mobility of Ethomeen C12 and Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Foam at High Temperature/High Salinity and in Carbonate Cores
L Cui, K Ma, M Puerto, AA Abdala, I Tanakov, LJ Lu, Y Chen, A Elhag, ...
SPE Journal 21 (04), 1151-1163, 2016
Neighbor-induced bubble pinch-off: novel mechanisms of in situ foam generation in microfluidic channels
R Liontas, K Ma, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Soft Matter 9 (46), 10971-10984, 2013
Wettability control and patterning of PDMS using UV–ozone and water immersion
K Ma, J Rivera, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Journal of colloid and interface science 363 (1), 371-378, 2011
Destabilization, propagation, and generation of surfactant-stabilized foam during crude oil displacement in heterogeneous model porous media
S Xiao, Y Zeng, ED Vavra, P He, M Puerto, GJ Hirasaki, SL Biswal
Langmuir 34 (3), 739-749, 2018
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