Takip et
Juhani Iivari
Juhani Iivari
Emeritus professor, University of Oulu, Finland
oulu.fi üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The effects of self-efficacy on computer usage
M Igbaria, J Iivari
Omega 23 (6), 587-605, 1995
An empirical test of the DeLone-McLean model of information system success
J Iivari
ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems 36 (2 …, 2005
Why do individuals use computer technology? A Finnish case study
M Igbaria, J Iivari, H Maragahh
Information & management 29 (5), 227-238, 1995
A paradigmatic analysis of information systems as a design science
J Iivari
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 19 (2), 39, 2007
A paradigmatic analysis contrasting information systems development approaches and methodologies
J Iivari, R Hirschheim, HK Klein
Information systems research 9 (2), 164-193, 1998
Action research and design science research-Seemingly similar but decisively dissimilar
J Venable, J Iivari
ECIS 2009 Proceedings, 2009
The relationship between organizational culture and the deployment of agile methods
J Iivari, N Iivari
Information and software technology 53 (5), 509-520, 2011
The relationship between organizational culture and the deployment of systems development methodologies
J Iivari, M Huisman
Mis Quarterly, 35-58, 2007
Why are CASE tools not used?
J Iivari
Communications of the ACM 39 (10), 94-103, 1996
A paradigmatic analysis of contemporary schools of IS development
J Iivari
European Journal of Information Systems 1 (4), 249-272, 1991
A dynamic framework for classifying information systems development methodologies and approaches
J Iivari, R Hirschheim, HK Klein
Journal of management information systems 17 (3), 179-218, 2000
Distinguishing and contrasting two strategies for design science research
J Iivari
European Journal of Information Systems 24 (1), 107-115, 2015
Research on ISD in Scandinavia
J Iivari, K Lyytinen
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 10 (1), 2, 1999
Towards a distinctive body of knowledge for Information Systems experts: coding ISD process knowledge in two IS journals
J Iivari, R Hirschheim, HK Klein
Information systems journal 14 (4), 313-342, 2004
Six design theories for IS security policies and guidelines
M Siponen, J Iivari
Journal of the Association for Information systems 7 (1), 19, 2006
Analyzing information systems development: A comparison and analysis of eight IS development approaches
J Iivari, R Hirschheim
Information Systems 21 (7), 551-575, 1996
The organizational fit of information systems
J Livari
Information Systems Journal 2 (1), 3-29, 1992
The PIOCO model for information systems design
J Iivari, E Koskela
Mis Quarterly, 401-419, 1987
The IS core-VII: Towards information systems as a science of meta-artifacts
J Iivari
Communications of the Association for Information Systems 12 (1), 37, 2003
Characterizing the evolving research on enterprise content management
P Tyrväinen, T Päivärinta, A Salminen, J Iivari
European Journal of Information Systems 15 (6), 627-634, 2006
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