Takip et
Kamirsyah Wahyu
Kamirsyah Wahyu
Universitas Islam Negeri (UIN) Mataram
uinmataram.ac.id üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Sejarah matematika: Alternatif strategi pembelajaran matematika
K Wahyu, S Mahfudy
Beta: Jurnal tadris matematika 9 (1), 89-110, 2016
Motivation cards to support students' understanding on fraction division
K Wahyu, SM Amin, A Lukito
International Journal on Emerging Mathematics Education 1 (1), 99-120, 2017
Partitive fraction division: Revealing and promoting primary students’ understanding
K Wahyu, TE Kuzu, S Subarinah, D Ratnasari, S Mahfudy
Journal on Mathematics Education 11 (2), 237-258, 2020
Mathematics Teachers and Digital Technology: A Quest for Teachers' Professional Development in Indonesia.
K Wahyu, D Ratnasari, S Mahfudy, D Etmy
Journal of Research and Advances in Mathematics Education 4 (1), 31-44, 2019
Characters and values in mathematics teaching and learning: A review of researches in Indonesia
S Mahfudy, K Wahyu, M Mauliddin, L Sucipto, E Evendi, S Irpan
Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika 12 (1), 60-81, 2019
Changing mathematics classroom setting: Looking into students’ response and performance in learning
K Wahyu
International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Education Mataram …, 2015
How students understand smaller fractions divided by greater fractions?
K Wahyu
Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika 14 (1), 85-92, 2021
Teachers’ old-fashioned classroom practices: A pitfall on the use of digital technology in mathematics teachings
D Ratnasari, K Wahyu, S Mahfudy
Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika 11 (2), 114-130, 2018
Specialized fractions division knowledge: A proposed model
K Wahyu
The 44th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2020
Student’s thinking path in mathematics problem-solving referring to the construction of reflective abstraction
P Sopamena, T Nusantara, BE Irawan, S Sisworo, K Wahyu
Beta: Jurnal Tadris Matematika 11 (2), 156-166, 2018
What counts as spatial reasoning in solving math tasks?
K Wahyu
The 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 1-4, 2024
Spatialising mathematics teaching and learning: An avenue of research and practices in Indonesia?
K Wahyu
The 6th Educational Sciences International Conference, 2023
Developing a coding scheme for examining pre-service primary teachers’ specialized knowledge on fractions division
K Wahyu, S Mahfudy, A Afifurrahman, N Farida
The 45th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of …, 2022
Exploring the roles of religious beliefs to value mathematics education: An alternative to the madrasah reform?
K Wahyu
International Conference on Madrasah Reform 633 (1), 50-57, 2022
The didactical use of multiple pictorial representations: The case of fractions division
K Wahyu
8th SEA-DR International Conference, 2021
Supporting students’ understanding of partitive fraction division through models
K Wahyu
7th SEA-DR International Conference, 2019
Pedagogical values: Revealing mathematics teachers’ belief and action in teaching
K Wahyu, S Subarinah, S Mahfudy, D Ratnasari
International Conference on Mathematics and Islam (ICMIs) 1 (1), 522-529, 2018
Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dalam Pembelajaran Matematika
K Wahyu
https://www.academia.edu/34050347 …, 2017
Developing conceptual understanding on division of fractions through multiple models
K Wahyu
Unpublished master thesis, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, 2014
Penerapan pendekatan Learning by Doing untuk meningkatkan minat dan prestasi belajar siswa (Sebuah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas)
K Wahyu
Unpublished graduate thesis, Universitas Mataram, 2010
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