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Gaurav Jha
Gaurav Jha
Assistant Professor-Precision Agriculture, Kansas State University
ksu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Regenerative agriculture and integrative permaculture for sustainable and technology driven global food production and security
E McLennon, B Dari, G Jha, D Sihi, V Kankarla
Agronomy Journal 113 (6), 4541-4559, 2021
Per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in integrated crop–livestock systems: Environmental exposure and human health risks
G Jha, V Kankarla, E McLennon, S Pal, D Sihi, B Dari, D Diaz, M Nocco
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (23), 12550, 2021
Interactions and regulatory functions of phenolics in soil-plant-climate nexus
D Misra, W Dutta, G Jha, P Ray
Agronomy 13 (2), 280, 2023
Artificial intelligence tools and techniques to combat herbicide resistant weeds—a review
S Ghatrehsamani, G Jha, W Dutta, F Molaei, F Nazrul, M Fortin, S Bansal, ...
Sustainability 15 (3), 1843, 2023
Comparative effects of saline water on yield and quality of potato under drip and furrow irrigation
G Jha, OP Choudhary, R Sharda
Cogent Food & Agriculture 3 (1), 1369345, 2017
Rapid and inexpensive assessment of soil total iron using Nix Pro color sensor
G Jha, D Sihi, B Dari, H Kaur, MA Nocco, A Ulery, K Lombard
Agricultural & Environmental Letters 6 (3), e20050, 2021
Irrigation decision support systems (idss) for california’s water–nutrient–energy nexus
G Jha, F Nicolas, R Schmidt, K Suvočarev, D Diaz, I Kisekka, K Scow, ...
Agronomy 12 (8), 1962, 2022
Explainable machine learning approach quantified the long-term (1981–2015) impact of climate and soil properties on yields of major agricultural crops across conus
D Sihi, B Dari, AP Kuruvila, G Jha, K Basu
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 6, 847892, 2022
Agricultural soils of the Animas River watershed after the Gold King Mine spill: An elemental spatiotemporal analysis via portable X‐ray fluorescence spectroscopy
G Jha, S Mukhopadhyay, AL Ulery, K Lombard, S Chakraborty, ...
Journal of Environmental Quality 50 (3), 730-743, 2021
A review on drip irrigation using saline irrigation water in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
G Jha
J. Agroecol. Nat. Res. Manag 3, 43-46, 2016
Heavy metal content of produce grown in San Juan County (New Mexico, USA)
AN Matthews, S Rogus, G Jha, A Ulery, E Delgado, K Lombard, B Hunter, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B 55 (10), 889-897, 2020
Portable x-ray fluorescence (PXRF) analysis of total metal (loid) s and sequential extraction of bioavailable arsenic in agricultural soils of animas watershed
G Jha, AL Ulery, K Lombard, D VanLeeuwen, C Brungard, B Dari, D Sihi
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 232 (7), 308, 2021
Precision Irrigation Technologies for Water‐Wise and Climate Resilient Alfalfa Production
S Dey, G Jha, D Min
Crops & Soils 57 (4), 4-11, 2024
The need and development for a value-added toolkit—A case study with Montana specialty fruit growers
S Garg, G Jha, SH Kim, Z Miller, WY Kuo
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 7, 1084750, 2023
Inexpensive color sensor quantifies soil total iron
DJ McCauley
CSA News 67 (3), 8-11, 2022
Long-term monitoring of metal (loid) contaminants in agricultural systems across animas watershed after the 2015 Gold King Mine Spill
G Jha
New Mexico State University, 2020
Rapid and in‐situ analysis of metal concentrations in agricultural fields in San Juan County using Portable X‐ray fluorescence (PXRF)
G Jha
Precision Agriculture Technologies for Climate-Resiliency and Water Resource Management
G Jha, U Debangshi, S Palla, F Nazrul, S Dey, W Dutta, S Bansal
Navigating the Nexus: Hydrology, Agriculture, Pollution and Climate Change …, 2025
Rapid, In-situ and Inexpensive Estimation of Nitrogen Content in Corn Using a Nix Pro Visible Spectral Sensor
M Barmon, B Dari, G Jha, J Sencer, H Li, D Sihi
ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, 2023
Irrigation Decision Support Systems (IDSS) for California’s Water–Nutrient–Energy Nexus. Agronomy 2022, 12, 1962
G Jha, F Nicolas, R Schmidt, K Suvocarev, D Diaz, I Kisekka, K Scow, ...
Sustainability, Land and Energy, 31, 2022
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