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Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro
Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro
ecampus.ut.ac.id üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Predicting intention to purchase counterfeit products: extending the theory of planned behavior
SPS Patiro, SO Sihombing
International Research Journal of Business Studies 7 (2), 109-120, 2014
Does service quality in education and training process matters? Study of government’s human resource agencies in Indonesia
H Budiyanti, SPS Patiro, M Djajadi, S Astuty
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science 13 (1), 41-55, 2020
The theory of planned behavior, past behavior, situational factors, and self-identity factors drive Indonesian enterpreneurs to be indebtedness
SPS Patiro, H Budiyanti
DeReMa (Development Research of Management): Jurnal Manajemen 11 (1), 46-66, 2016
Pelatihan Aplikasi Game Edukasi Kahoot Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di Era Pandemi Covid 19
D Aryani, SPS Patiro, SD Putra
Terang 4 (1), 116-124, 2021
Panic-buying behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Indonesia: A social cognitive theoretical model
SPS Patiro, H Budiyanti, KAH Hendarto
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 24 (1), 25-55, 2022
Perceived fairness, emotions, and intention of fast food chain restaurants customers in Indonesia
H Budiyanti, SPS Patiro
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business 20 (2), 229-253, 2018
Peningkatan pengetahuan marketplace pada pelaku usaha mikro kecil dan menengah (UMKM) dengan website education marketplace
MW Shine Pintor Siolemba Patiro, Diah Aryani, Endi Rekarti
Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS) 6 (1), 40, 2023
Public Service Motivation Measurement: A Test of Perry's Scale in Indonesia
SPSP Hety Budiyanti, Akhmat Yamin
JKAP (Jurnal Kebijakan dan Administrasi Publik) 23 (1), 16-32, 2019
The Effect of Financial Risk, Capital Structure, Banking Liquidity on Profitability: Operational Efficiency as Intervening Variables in Persero Bank and Private Commercial Banks
SP Hasmiana, Madris
International Journal of Arts and Social Science, 226-234, 2022
The role of job demands in moderating the relationship between servant leadership and job satisfaction: A study on civil apparatus in five major cities in Indonesia
SN Tantri, SPS Patiro, H Hendrian, LL Gaol
JIA (Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi) 6 (2), 221-240, 2021
Organizational justice perception of Indonesia civil servants, does it matter?
H Budiyanti, SP Patiro, N Nurman
Jurnal Ekonomi Dan Bisnis 21 (2), 333-360, 2018
Comparative Analysis Of On-Page And Off-Page White Hat Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Techniques On Website Popularity
D Aryani, SPS Patiro, A Setiawan, B Tjahjono
International Journal of Science, Technology & Management 4 (3), 527-533, 2023
Quality Of Services At Rsud X, Emotions And Satisfaction Of Covid-19 Patients
SPS Patiro, H Hendrian, P Damayanty, R Kurniawan, SA Sasmita
Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen 11 (2), 556-576, 2023
SPS Patıro, H Budıyantı
Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education 23 (4), 235-254, 2022
Extended theory of planned behavior as model of anabolic androgenic steroid use by Indonesian bodybuilders
SPS Patiro, BS Dharmmesta, SS Nugroho, B Sutikno
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business 31 (1), 102-126, 2016
Pelatihan Aplikasi Game Edukasi Kahoot Untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Di Era Pandemi Covid 19. Terang, 4 (1), 116–124
D Aryani, SPS Patiro, SD Putra
Konsep pencegahan paham radikal dan aksi teror di era revolusi industri 4.0: Tinjauan teori kognisi sosial
DJ Siswanto, F Silitonga, SPS Patiro
Jurnal Mahatvavirya 9 (2), 29-45, 2022
Pengaruh Peluang Karir dan Kompetensi terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Melalui Motivasi dan Kepuasan Kerja sebagai Variabel Mediasi pada Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Ham …
J Ariwibowo, M Madris, SPS Patiro
Ecobisma (Jurnal Ekonomi, Bisnis Dan Manajemen) 9 (2), 126-134, 2022
Penyuluhan budi daya porang sebagai upaya pembentukan sikap positif petani di desa Gemblegan Kalikotes Klaten Jawa Tengah
SPS Patiro, H Hendrian, SA Sasmita, R Kurniawan, LL Gaol, ...
Jurnal Abdidas 3 (1), 110-126, 2022
Analyzıng the Impact of Knowledge Sharıng in Vırtual Teams: Practıcal Evıdence from Indonesıa Open Unıversıty
S Yusriani, SPS Patiro, E Rekarti, CR Pamungkas, N Nurbaeti
Ilomata International Journal of Management 5 (2), 2024
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