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Junyoung Chung
Junyoung Chung
Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Empirical evaluation of gated recurrent neural networks on sequence modeling
J Chung, C Gulcehre, KH Cho, Y Bengio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3555, 2014
Grandmaster level in StarCraft II using multi-agent reinforcement learning
O Vinyals, I Babuschkin, WM Czarnecki, M Mathieu, A Dudzik, J Chung, ...
nature 575 (7782), 350-354, 2019
A Recurrent Latent Variable Model for Sequential Data
J Chung, K Kastner, L Dinh, K Goel, A Courville, Y Bengio
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015
Competition-level code generation with alphacode
Y Li, D Choi, J Chung, N Kushman, J Schrittwieser, R Leblond, T Eccles, ...
Science 378 (6624), 1092-1097, 2022
Gated feedback recurrent neural networks
J Chung, C Gulcehre, K Cho, Y Bengio
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2015
Equilibrated adaptive learning rates for non-convex optimization
Y Dauphin, H De Vries, Y Bengio
Advances in neural information processing systems 28, 2015
Hierarchical multiscale recurrent neural networks
J Chung, S Ahn, Y Bengio
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'17), 2016
Alphastar: Mastering the real-time strategy game starcraft ii
O Vinyals, I Babuschkin, J Chung, M Mathieu, M Jaderberg, ...
DeepMind blog 2, 20, 2019
A Character-level Decoder without Explicit Segmentation for Neural Machine Translation
J Chung, K Cho, Y Bengio
Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2016
Empirical evaluation of gated recurrent neural networks on sequence modeling. CoRR abs/1412.3555 (2014)
J Chung, Ç Gülçehre, KH Cho, Y Bengio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.3555, 2014
Step-unrolled Denoising Autoencoders for Text Generation
N Savinov, J Chung, M Binkowski, E Elsen, A Oord
International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'22), 2021
Iterative Refinement of Approximate Posterior for Training Directed Belief Networks
RD Hjelm, K Cho, J Chung, R Salakhutdinov, V Calhoun, N Jojic
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS'16), 2015
Deep attribute networks
J Chung, D Lee, Y Seo, CD Yoo
Deep Learning and Unsupervised Feature Learning NIPS Workshop, 2012
Dynamic frame skipping for fast speech recognition in recurrent neural network based acoustic models
I Song, J Chung, T Kim, Y Bengio
2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2018
Hierarchical multiscale recurrent neural networks (2016)
J Chung, S Ahn, Y Bengio
arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.01704, 2016
Empirical evaluation of gated recurrent neural networks on sequence modeling [EB/OL]
J Chung, C Gulcehre, KH Cho
NYU-MILA Neural Machine Translation Systems for WMT'16
J Chung, K Cho, Y Bengio
Proceedings of the First Conference on Machine Translation, Berlin, Germany …, 2016
AlphaCode 2 Technical Report
https://storage.googleapis.com/deepmind-media/AlphaCode2 …, 2023
Speech recognition method and apparatus
S Inchul, J Chung, T Kim, S Yoo
US Patent 11,348,572, 2022
Oord, A. vd 2021. Step-unrolled denoising autoencoders for text generation
N Savinov, J Chung, M Binkowski, E Elsen
arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.06749, 0
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