Takip et
Nan Zhao
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The impact of COVID-19 epidemic declaration on psychological consequences: a study on active Weibo users
S Li, Y Wang, J Xue, N Zhao, T Zhu
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (6), 2032, 2020
An investigation of the relationship between the driving behavior questionnaire and objective measures of highway driving behavior
N Zhao, B Mehler, B Reimer, LA D’Ambrosio, A Mehler, JF Coughlin
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 15 (6), 676-685, 2012
Brief report: Examining driving behavior in young adults with high functioning autism spectrum disorders: A pilot study using a driving simulation paradigm
B Reimer, R Fried, B Mehler, G Joshi, A Bolfek, KM Godfrey, N Zhao, ...
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 43, 2211-2217, 2013
Evaluating the validity of simplified Chinese version of LIWC in detecting psychological expressions in short texts on social network services
N Zhao, D Jiao, S Bai, T Zhu
PLoS One 11 (6), e0157947, 2016
Self-reported and observed risky driving behaviors among frequent and infrequent cell phone users
N Zhao, B Reimer, B Mehler, LA D’Ambrosio, JF Coughlin
Accident Analysis & Prevention 61, 71-77, 2013
Using social media to explore the consequences of domestic violence on mental health
M Liu, J Xue, N Zhao, X Wang, D Jiao, T Zhu
Journal of interpersonal violence 36 (3-4), NP1965-1985NP, 2021
Personality recognition on social media with label distribution learning
D Xue, Z Hong, S Guo, L Gao, L Wu, J Zheng, N Zhao
IEEE access 5, 13478-13488, 2017
Emotion recognition using Kinect motion capture data of human gaits
S Li, L Cui, C Zhu, B Li, N Zhao, T Zhu
PeerJ 4, e2364, 2016
The role of HEXACO personality traits in different kinds of sexting: A cross-cultural study in 10 countries
M Morelli, A Chirumbolo, D Bianchi, R Baiocco, E Cattelino, F Laghi, ...
Computers in human behavior 113, 106502, 2020
See your mental state from your walk: Recognizing anxiety and depression through Kinect-recorded gait data
N Zhao, Z Zhang, Y Wang, J Wang, B Li, T Zhu, Y Xiang
PLoS one 14 (5), e0216591, 2019
The relationship between dark triad personality traits and sexting behaviors among adolescents and young adults across 11 countries
M Morelli, F Urbini, D Bianchi, R Baiocco, E Cattelino, F Laghi, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (5), 2526, 2021
Using the health action process approach to predict facemask use and hand washing in the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in China
CK Lao, X Li, N Zhao, M Gou, G Zhou
Current Psychology 42 (8), 6484-6493, 2023
Subjective well-being of Chinese Sina Weibo users in residential lockdown during the COVID-19 pandemic: machine learning analysis
Y Wang, P Wu, X Liu, S Li, T Zhu, N Zhao
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (12), e24775, 2020
The effects of Chinese typeface design, stroke weight, and contrast polarity on glance based legibility
J Dobres, N Chahine, B Reimer, D Gould, N Zhao
Displays 41, 42-49, 2016
Feature-based transfer learning based on distribution similarity
X Zhong, S Guo, H Shan, L Gao, D Xue, N Zhao
IEEE Access 6, 35551-35557, 2018
Drivers' and non-drivers' performance in a change detection task with static driving scenes: is there a benefit of experience?
N Zhao, W Chen, Y Xuan, B Mehler, B Reimer, X Fu
Ergonomics 57 (7), 998-1007, 2014
Detecting depression of Chinese microblog users via text analysis: Combining Linguistic Inquiry Word Count (LIWC) with culture and suicide related lexicons
S Lyu, X Ren, Y Du, N Zhao
Frontiers in psychiatry 14, 1121583, 2023
Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of urban residents toward COVID-19 in Shaanxi during the post-lockdown period
N Xu, Y Zhang, X Zhang, G Zhang, Z Guo, N Zhao, F Li
Frontiers in public health 9, 659797, 2021
miR‐24‐3p/KLF8 signaling axis contributes to LUAD metastasis by regulating EMT
P Jing, N Xie, N Zhao, X Zhu, P Li, G Gao, H Dang, Z Gu
Journal of Immunology Research 2020 (1), 4036047, 2020
Psychological and behavioral impact of Wuhan lockdown and suggestions
Z Nan, W Yilin, LI Sijia, LIU Xiaoqian, WU Peijing, ZHU Tingshao
Bulletin of Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Version) 35 (3), 264-272, 2020
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