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Alexander Garcia Castro
Alexander Garcia Castro
created on: 11 dec-2014 h-index not accurate
fsu.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
BioJS: An Open Source JavaScript Framework for Biological Data Visualization
HH John Gómez, Leyla J García, Manuel Corpas, Gustavo A Salazar, Jose ...
Bioinformatics, 2013
The use of concept maps during knowledge elicitation in ontology development processes–the nutrigenomics use case
AG Castro, P Rocca-Serra, R Stevens, C Taylor, K Nashar, MA Ragan, ...
BMC bioinformatics 7, 1-14, 2006
Data sharing in psychology.
ME Martone, A Garcia-Castro, GR VandenBos
American Psychologist 73 (2), 111, 2018
Robotic crowd biology with Maholo LabDroids
N Yachie, T Natsume
Nature biotechnology 35 (4), 310-312, 2017
Workflows in bioinformatics: meta-analysis and prototype implementation of a workflow generator
MAR Alexander Garcia, Samuel Thoraval, Leyla J Garcia
BMC Bioinformatics, 2005
Semantic web and social web heading towards living documents in the life sciences
A Garcia-Castro, A Labarga, L Garcia, O Giraldo, C Montana, JA Bateman
Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web 8 (2-3 …, 2010
Regulation of endothelial and epithelial barrier functions by peptide hormones of the adrenomedullin family
A García-Ponce, S Chánez Paredes, KF Castro Ochoa, M Schnoor
Tissue Barriers 4 (4), e1228439, 2016
SMART protocols: Semantic representation for experimental protocols
OX Giraldo Pasmín, O Corcho, A García Castro
CEUR-WS 1282, 36-47, 2014
In the pursuit of a semantic similarity metric based on UMLS annotations for articles in PubMed Central Open Access
LJG Castro, R Berlanga, A Garcia
Journal of biomedical informatics 57, 204-218, 2015
Social tags and linked data for ontology development: A case study in the financial domain
A García-Silva, LJ García-Castro, A García, O Corcho
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining …, 2014
Semantic representation of CAD models based on the IGES standard
NV Bermeo, MG Mendoza, AG Castro
Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Its Applications: 12th Mexican …, 2013
Using the Annotation Ontology in semantic digital libraries
LJG Castro, OX Giraldo, AG Castro
Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Posters & Demonstrations …, 2010
Tags4Tags: using tagging to consolidate tags
LJ Garcia-Castro, M Hepp, A Garcia
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 20th International Conference …, 2009
Information integration in molecular bioscience
AG Castro, YPP Chen, MA Ragan
Applied Bioinformatics 4, 157-173, 2005
Biotea: semantics for pubmed central
A Garcia, F Lopez, L Garcia, O Giraldo, V Bucheli, M Dumontier
PeerJ 6, e4201, 2018
Hyperontology for the Biomedical Ontologist: A Sketch and Some Examples.
O Kutz, T Mossakowski, J Hastings, AG Castro, A Sojic
ICBO, 2011
Building domain ontologies out of folksonomies and linked data
A García-Silva, LJ García-Castro, A García, O Corcho
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 24 (2), 1540014, 2015
Semantic publication of agricultural scientific literature using property graphs
F Abad-Navarro, JA Bernabé-Diaz, A García-Castro, JT Fernandez-Breis
Applied Sciences 10 (3), 861, 2020
Ontologizing Metadata for Assistive Technologies-The OASIS Repository
AG Castro, I Normann, J Hois, O Kutz
2008 First International Workshop on Ontologies in Interactive Systems, 57-62, 2008
Cognitive support for an argumentative structure during the ontology development process
AG Castro, A Norena, A Betancourt, MA Ragan
Proc. of the 9th Int’l Protege Conf, 85-88, 2006
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