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Andreas Wihler
Andreas Wihler
University of Exeter Business School
exeter.ac.uk üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
When job performance is all relative: How family motivation energizes effort and compensates for intrinsic motivation
JI Menges, DV Tussing, A Wihler, AM Grant
Academy of Management Journal 60 (2), 695-719, 2017
Why grit requires perseverance and passion to positively predict performance
JM Jachimowicz, A Wihler, ER Bailey, AD Galinsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (40), 9980-9985, 2018
Further specification of the leader political skill–leadership effectiveness relationships: Transformational and transactional leader behavior as mediators
C Ewen, A Wihler, G Blickle, K Oerder, BP Ellen III, C Douglas, GR Ferris
The leadership quarterly 24 (4), 516-533, 2013
Personal initiative and job performance evaluations: Role of political skill in opportunity recognition and capitalization
A Wihler, G Blickle, BP Ellen III, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
Journal of Management 43 (5), 1388-1420, 2017
It pays to have an eye for emotions: Emotion recognition ability indirectly predicts annual income
T Momm, G Blickle, Y Liu, A Wihler, M Kholin, JI Menges
Journal of Organizational Behavior 36 (1), 147-163, 2015
The interactive effects of conscientiousness, openness to experience, and political skill on job performance in complex jobs: The importance of context
G Blickle, JA Meurs, A Wihler, C Ewen, A Plies, S Günther
Journal of Organizational Behavior 34 (8), 1145-1164, 2013
The role of interpersonal influence in counterbalancing psychopathic personality trait facets at work
N Schütte, G Blickle, RE Frieder, A Wihler, F Schnitzler, J Heupel, I Zettler
Journal of Management 44 (4), 1338-1368, 2018
Leader behaviors as mediators of the leader characteristics-follower satisfaction relationship
G Blickle, RE Kane-Frieder, K Oerder, A Wihler, A von Below, N Schütte, ...
Group & Organization Management 38 (5), 601-629, 2013
Conscientiousness, extraversion, and field sales performance: Combining narrow personality, social skill, emotional stability, and nonlinearity
A Wihler, JA Meurs, TD Momm, J John, G Blickle
Personality and Individual Differences 104, 291-296, 2017
Extraversion and adaptive performance: Integrating trait activation and socioanalytic personality theories at work
A Wihler, JA Meurs, D Wiesmann, L Troll, G Blickle
Personality and Individual Differences 116, 133-138, 2017
Leader advancement motive, political skill, leader behavior, and effectiveness: A moderated mediation extension of socioanalytic theory
C Ewen, A Wihler, RE Frieder, G Blickle, R Hogan, GR Ferris
Human Performance 27 (5), 373-392, 2014
Political skill camouflages Machiavellianism: Career role performance and organizational misbehavior at short and long tenure
G Blickle, BP Kückelhaus, I Kranefeld, N Schütte, HA Genau, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 118, 103401, 2020
Political will, work values, and objective career success: A novel approach–The Trait-Reputation-Identity Model
G Blickle, N Schütte, A Wihler
Journal of Vocational Behavior 107, 42-56, 2018
Extraversion and job performance: How context relevance and bandwidth specificity create a non-linear, positive, and asymptotic relationship
G Blickle, JA Meurs, A Wihler, C Ewen, R Merkl, T Missfeld
Journal of vocational behavior 87, 80-88, 2015
Leader inquisitiveness, political skill, and follower attributions of leader charisma and effectiveness: Test of a moderated mediation model
G Blickle, JA Meurs, A Wihler, C Ewen, AK Peiseler
International journal of selection and assessment 22 (3), 272-285, 2014
Political skill and manager performance: Exponential and asymptotic relationships due to differing levels of enterprising job demands
DN Gansen-Ammann, JA Meurs, A Wihler, G Blickle
Group & Organization Management 44 (4), 718-744, 2019
The roles of grit in human resources theory and research
SL Jordan, A Wihler, WA Hochwarter, GR Ferris
Research in personnel and human resources management, 53-88, 2019
Fearless dominance and performance in field sales: A predictive study
J Titze, G Blickle, A Wihler
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 25 (3), 299-310, 2017
Extending the metatheoretical framework of social/political influence to leadership: Political skill effects on situational appraisals, responses, and evaluations by others
RE Frieder, GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, A Wihler, CD Brooks
Personnel Psychology 72 (4), 543-569, 2019
Reply to Guo et al. and Credé: Grit-S scale measures only perseverance, not passion, and its supposed subfactors are merely artifactors
JM Jachimowicz, A Wihler, ER Bailey, AD Galinsky
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (10), 3942-3944, 2019
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