Second order optimality conditions in the smooth case and applications in optimal control B Bonnard, JB Caillau, E Trélat
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 13 (2), 207-236, 2007
173 2007 Differential continuation for regular optimal control problems JB Caillau, O Cots, J Gergaud
Optimization Methods and Software 27 (2), 177-196, 2012
108 2012 Geometric optimal control of elliptic Keplerian orbits B Bonnard, JB Caillau, E Trélat
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S, 929--956, 2005
90 2005 3D geosynchronous transfer of a satellite: continuation on the thrust JB Caillau, J Gergaud, J Noailles
Journal of optimization theory and applications 118, 541-565, 2003
86 2003 Conjugate and cut loci of a two-sphere of revolution with application to optimal control B Bonnard, JB Caillau, R Sinclair, M Tanaka
Annales de l'IHP Analyse non linéaire 26 (4), 1081-1098, 2009
85 2009 Minimum fuel control of the planar circular restricted three-body problem JB Caillau, B Daoud, J Gergaud
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 114, 137-150, 2012
81 2012 Coplanar control of a satellite around the Earth JB Caillau, J Noailles
ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 6, 239-258, 2001
59 2001 Minimum time control of the restricted three-body problem JB Caillau, B Daoud
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 50 (6), 3178-3202, 2012
56 2012 Riemannian metric of the averaged energy minimization problem in orbital transfer with low thrust B Bonnard, JB Caillau
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré C, Analyse non linéaire 24 (3), 395-411, 2007
55 2007 Contribution à l'étude du contrôle en temps minimal des transferts orbitaux JB Caillau
Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse-INPT, 2000
47 2000 -Minimization for Mechanical SystemsZ Chen, JB Caillau, Y Chitour
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 54 (3), 1245-1265, 2016
42 2016 Solving chance constrained optimal control problems in aerospace via kernel density estimation JB Caillau, M Cerf, A Sassi, E Trélat, H Zidani
Optimal Control Applications and Methods 39 (5), 1833-1858, 2018
40 2018 Geodesic flow of the averaged controlled Kepler equation B Bonnard, JB Caillau
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34 2009 Energy minimization of single input orbit transfer by averaging and continuation B Bonnard, JB Caillau, R Dujol
Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 130 (8), 707-719, 2006
27 2006 Averaging and optimal control of elliptic Keplerian orbits with low propulsion B Bonnard, JB Caillau, R Dujol
Systems & control letters 55 (9), 755-760, 2006
24 2006 An algorithmic guide for finite-dimensional optimal control problems JB Caillau, R Ferretti, E Trélat, H Zidani
Handbook of Numerical Analysis 24, 559-626, 2023
21 2023 Singular metrics on the two-sphere in space mechanics B Bonnard, JB Caillau
preprint, 1-25, 2008
21 2008 Sensitivity analysis for time optimal orbit transfer JB Caillau, J Noailles
Optimization 49 (4), 327-350, 2001
21 2001 Robust supervised classification and feature selection using a primal-dual method M Barlaud, A Chambolle, JB Caillau
arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.01600, 2019
19 2019 Geometric and numerical techniques in optimal control of two and three-body problems B Bonnard, JB Caillau, G Picot
19 2010