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Jon Helge Vølstad
Jon Helge Vølstad
Chief Scientist, Fishery Dynamics Research Group, Institute of Marine Research, Norway
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Alıntı yapanlar
Recreational sea fishing in Europe in a global context—participation rates, fishing effort, expenditure, and implications for monitoring and assessment
K Hyder, MS Weltersbach, M Armstrong, K Ferter, B Townhill, A Ahvonen, ...
Fish and Fisheries 19 (2), 225-243, 2018
Assessing the effect of intra-haul correlation and variable density on estimates of population characteristics from marine surveys
M Pennington, JH Vølstad
Biometrics, 725-732, 1994
Quantifying changes in abundance, biomass, and spatial distribution of Northeast Atlantic mackerel ( Scomber scombrus ) in the Nordic seas from …
L Nøttestad, KR Utne, GJ Óskarsson, SÞ Jónsson, JA Jacobsen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 73 (2), 359-373, 2016
Abundance and exploitation rate of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) in Chesapeake Bay
AF Sharov, JH Vølstad, GR Davis, BK Davis, RN Lipcius, MM Montane
Bulletin of Marine Science 72 (2), 543-565, 2003
Unexpectedly high catch-and-release rates in European marine recreational fisheries: implications for science and management
K Ferter, MS Weltersbach, HV Strehlow, JH Vølstad, J Alós, R Arlinghaus, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 70 (7), 1319-1329, 2013
Effect of tow duration on length composition of trawl catches
OR Godø, M Pennington, JH Vølstad
Fisheries Research 9 (2), 165-179, 1990
1991. Optimum size sampling unit for estimating the density of marine populations
M Pennington, JH Vølstad
Biometrics 47, 717-723, 1991
Total catch of a red-listed marine species is an order of magnitude higher than official data
AR Kleiven, EM Olsen, JH Vølstad
PLoS One 7 (2), e31216, 2012
Cost-efficient survey designs for estimating food consumption by fish
B Bogstad, M Pennington, JH Vølstad
Fisheries Research 23 (1-2), 37-46, 1995
Probability-based surveying using self-sampling to estimate catch and effort in Norway's coastal tourist fishery
JH Vølstad, K Korsbrekke, KH Nedreaas, M Nilsen, GN Nilsson, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 68 (8), 1785-1791, 2011
Stream salamanders as indicators of stream quality in Maryland, USA.
MT Southerland, RE Jung, DP Baxter, IC Chellman, G Mercurio, ...
Dive to survive: effects of capture depth on barotrauma and post-release survival of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in recreational fisheries
K Ferter, MS Weltersbach, OB Humborstad, PG Fjelldal, F Sambraus, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 72 (8), 2467-2481, 2015
Comparing and Combining Effort and Catch Estimates from Aerial–Access Designs as Applied to a Large‐Scale Angler Survey in the Delaware River
JH Vølstad, KH Pollock, WA Richkus
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26 (3), 727-741, 2006
Spatial and temporal variations in seabird bycatch: incidental bycatch in the Norwegian coastal gillnet-fishery
KM Bærum, T Anker-Nilssen, S Christensen-Dalsgaard, K Fangel, ...
PloS one 14 (3), e0212786, 2019
Angler behaviour and implications for management‐catch‐and‐release among marine angling tourists in N orway
K Ferter, T Borch, J Kolding, JH Vølstad
Fisheries Management and Ecology 20 (2-3), 137-147, 2013
Assessing incidental bycatch of seabirds in Norwegian coastal commercial fisheries: empirical and methodological lessons
K Fangel, Ø Aas, JH Vølstad, KM Bærum, S Christensen-Dalsgaard, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 4, 127-136, 2015
Using environmental stressor information to predict the ecological status of Maryland non-tidal streams as measured by biological indicators
JH Vølstad, NE Roth, G Mercurio, MT Southerland, DE Strebel
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 84, 219-242, 2003
Application of the benthic index of biotic integrity to environmental monitoring in Chesapeake Bay
RJ Llansó, DM Dauer, JH Vølstad, LC Scott
Coastal Monitoring through Partnerships: Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium …, 2003
Effects of fishing tourism in a coastal municipality: a case study from Risør, Norway
E Moksness, J Gjøsæter, G Lagaillarde, E Mikkelsen, EM Olsen, ...
Ecology and Society 16 (3), 2011
A method for estimating dredge catching efficiency for blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, in Chesapeake Bay
JH Volstad, AF Sharov, G Davis, B Davis
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