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Rutger van Oest
Rutger van Oest
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Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Customer complaints and recovery effectiveness: A customer base approach
G Knox, R Van Oest
Journal of marketing 78 (5), 42-57, 2014
Measuring changes in consumer confidence
R Van Oest, PH Franses
Journal of Economic Psychology 29 (3), 255-275, 2008
On the econometrics of the Koyck model
PH Franses, R van Oest
Report/Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2004
Why are consumers less loss averse in internal than external reference prices?
R Van Oest
Journal of retailing 89 (1), 62-71, 2013
Extending the BG/NBD: A simple model of purchases and complaints
R Van Oest, G Knox
International Journal of Research in Marketing 28 (1), 30-37, 2011
Adaptive radial-based direction sampling: some flexible and robust Monte Carlo integration methods
L Bauwens, CS Bos, HK van Dijk, RD van Oest
Journal of Econometrics 123 (2), 201-225, 2004
Customer inconvenience and price compensation: A multiperiod approach to labor-automation trade-offs in services
TW Andreassen, RD van Oest, L Lervik-Olsen
Journal of Service Research 21 (2), 173-183, 2018
Return on roller coasters: A model to guide investments in theme park attractions
RD Van Oest, HJ Van Heerde, MG Dekimpe
Marketing Science 29 (4), 721-737, 2010
On the econometrics of the geometric lag model
PH Franses, R Van Oest
Economics Letters 95 (2), 291-296, 2007
Simulation‐Based Bayesian Econometric Inference: Principles and Some Recent Computational Advances
LF Hoogerheide, HK Van Dijk, RD Van Oest
Handbook of computational econometrics, 215-280, 2009
When is customer satisfaction ‘locked’? A longitudinal analysis of satisfaction stickiness
L Lervik-Olsen, R van Oest, PC Verhoef
BI Norwegian Business School, 2015
A new coefficient of interrater agreement: The challenge of highly unequal category proportions.
R Van Oest
Psychological Methods 24 (4), 439, 2019
Which brands gain share from which brands? Inference from store-level scanner data
R Van Oest
Quantitative Marketing and Economics 3, 281-304, 2005
Weighting schemes and incomplete data: A generalized Bayesian framework for chance-corrected interrater agreement.
R Van Oest, JM Girard
Psychological Methods 27 (6), 1069, 2022
Unconstrained Cholesky-based parametrization of correlation matrices
R van Oest
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 50 (11), 3607-3613, 2021
Testing changes in consumer confidence indicators
PH Franses, R van Oest
Report/Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2006
A joint framework for category purchase and consumption behavior
RD Van Oest, R Paap, PH Franses
Tinbergen Institute Working Paper, 2002
Adaptive polar sampling, a class of flexibel and robust monte carlo integration methods
L Bauwens, C Bos, H van Dijk, R van Oest
Analyzing the effects of past prices on reference price formation
R van Oest, R Paap
Report/Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, 2004
Essays Over Kwantitatieve Marketing Modellen en Monte Carlo Integratie Methoden
R Van Oest
Rozenberg Publishers, 2005
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