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Erik Gonzalez-Mulé
Erik Gonzalez-Mulé
Randall L. Tobias Chair in Business Leadership, Indiana University
indiana.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip - Ana Sayfa
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
The chrysalis effect: How ugly initial results metamorphosize into beautiful articles
EH O’Boyle Jr, GC Banks, E Gonzalez-Mulé
Journal of Management 43 (2), 376-399, 2017
Employee ownership and firm performance: a meta‐analysis
EH O'Boyle, PC Patel, E Gonzalez‐Mulé
Human Resource Management Journal 26 (4), 425-448, 2016
A meta-analysis of the relationship between general mental ability and nontask performance.
E Gonzalez-Mulé, MK Mount, IS Oh
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (6), 1222-1243, 2014
Advancing theory by assessing boundary conditions with metaregression: A critical review and best-practice recommendations
E Gonzalez-Mulé, H Aguinis
Journal of Management 44 (6), 2246-2273, 2018
The importance of being humble: A meta-analysis and incremental validity analysis of the relationship between honesty-humility and job performance.
Y Lee, C Berry, E Gonzalez-Mulé
Journal of Applied Psychology, 2019
Channeled autonomy: The joint effects of autonomy and feedback on team performance through organizational goal clarity
E Gonzalez-Mulé, SH Courtright, D DeGeest, JY Seong, DS Hong
Journal of Management 42 (7), 2018-2033, 2016
Can we get some cooperation around here? The mediating role of group norms on the relationship between team personality and individual helping behaviors.
E Gonzalez-Mulé, DS DeGeest, BW McCormick, JY Seong, KG Brown
Journal of Applied Psychology 99 (5), 988, 2014
Cumulative advantage: Conductors and insulators of heavy‐tailed productivity distributions and productivity stars
H Aguinis, E O'Boyle Jr, E Gonzalez‐Mulé, H Joo
Personnel Psychology 69 (1), 3-66, 2016
A meta-analytic test of multiplicative and additive models of job demands, resources, and stress.
E Gonzalez-Mulé, MM Kim, JW Ryu
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (9), 1391, 2021
Worked to Death: The Relationships of Job Demands and Job Control with Mortality
E Gonzalez‐Mulé, B Cockburn
Personnel Psychology 70 (1), 73-112, 2017
Gender differences in personality predictors of counterproductive behavior
E Gonzalez‐Mulé, DS DeGeest, CE Kiersch, MK Mount
Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2013
Team tenure and team performance: A meta‐analysis and process model
E Gonzalez‐Mulé, B Cockburn, B McCormick, P Zhao
Personnel Psychology, 2019
This job is (literally) killing me: A moderated-mediated model linking work characteristics to mortality.
E Gonzalez-Mulé, BS Cockburn
Journal of Applied Psychology 106 (1), 140, 2021
The “Goldilocks Zone”:(Too) many confidence intervals in tests of mediation just exclude zero.
M Götz, EH O'Boyle, E Gonzalez-Mulé, GC Banks, SS Bollmann
Psychological Bulletin 147 (1), 95, 2021
Meta-analytic five-factor model personality intercorrelations: Eeny, meeny, miney, moe, how, which, why, and where to go.
HSH Park, BM Wiernik, IS Oh, E Gonzalez-Mulé, DS Ones, Y Lee
Journal of Applied Psychology 105 (12), 1490, 2020
Are smarter people happier? Meta-analyses of the relationships between general mental ability and job and life satisfaction
E Gonzalez-Mulé, KM Carter, MK Mount
Journal of Vocational Behavior 99, 146-164, 2017
To collaborate or not? The moderating effects of team conflict on performance‐prove goal orientation, collaboration, and team performance
P E Downes, E Gonzalez‐Mulé, JY Seong, WW Park
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 94 (3), 568-590, 2021
Managers moving on up (or out): Linking self-other agreement on leadership behaviors to succession planning and voluntary turnover
KM Carter, E Gonzalez-Mule, MK Mount, IS Oh, LS Zachar
Journal of Vocational Behavior 115, 103328, 2019
Putting the team in the driver's seat: A meta‐analysis on the what, why, and when of team autonomy's impact on team effectiveness
JW Ryu, EM Neubert, E Gonzalez‐Mulé
Personnel Psychology 75 (2), 411-439, 2022
Power of the circumplex: Incremental validity of intersection traits in predicting counterproductive work behaviors
E Gonzalez‐Mulé, D DeGeest, MK Mount
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 21 (3), 322-327, 2013
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