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Dr. Sachinkumar Veerashetty
Dr. Sachinkumar Veerashetty
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Sharnbasva University
sharnbasvauniversity.edu.in üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Novel LBP based texture descriptor for rotation, illumination and scale invariance for image texture analysis and classification using multi-kernel SVM
S Veerashetty, NB Patil
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (15), 9935-9955, 2020
Manhattan distance-based histogram of oriented gradients for content-based medical image retrieval
S Veerashetty, NB Patil
International Journal of Computers and Applications 43 (9), 924-930, 2021
Secure communication over wireless sensor network using image steganography with generative adversarial networks
S Veerashetty
Measurement: Sensors 24, 100452, 2022
Multi-modal weighted denoising coder for the management of lost information in healthcare big data
S Veerashetty
International Journal of Innovations in Scientific and Engineering Research …, 2021
PCA plus LDA on wavelet co-occurrence histogram features: application to CBIR
S Shivashankar, SKS Veerashetty
International Workshop on Multi-disciplinary Trends in Artificial …, 2011
Improved Densenet Model for Automatic Categorization of Brain Tumors
S Biradar, S Bagewadi, S Veerashetty
2022 IEEE 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), 1-6, 2022
Face recognition with illumination, scale and rotation invariance using multiblock LTP-GLCM descriptor and adaptive ANN
A Sachinkumar Veerashetty, Virupakshappa Patil
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 2022
Texture feature extraction based on multichannel decoded local binary pattern
S Veerashetty, NB Patil
2017 International Conference on Current Trends in Computer, Electrical …, 2017
Computer-aided Diagnosis applied to MRI images of Brain Tumor using Spatial Fuzzy Level Set and ANN Classifier
S Virupakshappa, S Veerashetty, N Ambika
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 23 (4), 233-249, 2022
Texture-Based Face Recognition Using Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Deep Convolutional Neural Network
S Veerashetty, NB Patil
International Conference on Communication, Computing and Electronics Systems …, 2021
Design of rotation, illumination, and scale invariant Gabor texture descriptor for image texture analysis and retrieval
S Veerashetty, NB Patil
International Journal of Computers and Applications 43 (9), 940-948, 2021
Enhancing Texture Classification through GLCM and LBP Feature Extraction with Modified PCA Dimensionality Reduction
S Bagewadi, S Veerashetty
2023 4th IEEE Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), 1-8, 2023
Optimal multi-kernel SVM classifier with rotation, illumination and scale invariant hybrid DWT-Shearlet based GLCM feature descriptor and its application to face recognition
S Veerashetty
Intelligent Decision Technologies 17 (1), 17-30, 2023
Fine-grained textural detail enhancement: concatenating convolutional neural network features with adaptive fuzzy logic
S Bagewadi, S Veerashetty
Signal, Image and Video Processing 18 (5), 4615-4626, 2024
Attention-Guided Deep Learning Texture Feature for Object Recognition Applications
S Veerashetty
Engineering Proceedings 59 (1), 51, 2023
Preprocessing, Feature Extraction, and Classification Methodologies on Diabetic Retinopathy Using Fundus Images
V Basreddy, S Veerashetty
2023 International Conference on Integrated Intelligence and Communication …, 2023
Enhancing Diabetic Retinopathy Detection with an Innovative ACSE-CLF Algorithm: A Deep Learning Approach
SS Ainapur, V Virupakshappa, SS Veerashetty
2023 7th International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile …, 2023
HEp-2 cell image classification by zigzag ordering algorithm for clinical pathology test
S Veerashetty, DNB Patil
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 118 (9), 711-716, 2018
Design of Rotation Illumination and Scale Invariant Descriptors for Texture Image Analysis
S Veerashetty
Belagavi, 0
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