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Melanie Y Lam
Melanie Y Lam
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Alıntı yapanlar
Considerations for the use of a startling acoustic stimulus in studies of motor preparation in humans
AN Carlsen, D Maslovat, MY Lam, R Chua, IM Franks
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 35 (3), 366-376, 2011
Therapists’ perceptions of social media and video game technologies in upper limb rehabilitation
SK Tatla, N Shirzad, KR Lohse, N Virji-Babul, AM Hoens, L Holsti, LC Li, ...
JMIR Serious Games 3 (1), e3401, 2015
Perceptions of technology and its use for therapeutic application for individuals with hemiparesis: Findings from adult and pediatric focus groups
MY Lam, SK Tatla, KR Lohse, N Shirzad, AM Hoens, KJ Miller, L Holsti, ...
JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 2 (1), e3484, 2015
Evidence for slowing as a function of index of difficulty in young adults with Down syndrome
MY Lam, NJ Hodges, N Virji-Babul, ML Latash
American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 114 (6), 411-426, 2009
Structural magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates volumetric brain abnormalities in Down syndrome: Newborns to young adults
B McCann, J Levman, N Baumer, MY Lam, T Shiohama, L Cogger, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 32, 102815, 2021
Proceedings of the 39th annual conference of the cognitive science society
A Karlinsky, KR Lohse, MY Lam
Cognitive Science Society, 2017
Influence of stimulus–response assignment on the joint-action correspondence effect
MY Lam, R Chua
Psychological Research 74, 476-480, 2010
Movement duration does not affect automatic online control
EK Cressman, BD Cameron, MY Lam, IM Franks, R Chua
Human Movement Science 29 (6), 871-881, 2010
A characterization of movement skills in obese children with and without Prader-Willi syndrome
MY Lam, DA Rubin, AT Duran, FA Chavoya, E White, DJ Rose
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 87 (3), 245-253, 2016
A meta-analysis of the joint Simon effect
A Karlinsky, KR Lohse, MY Lam
In G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. J. Davelaar (Eds). Proceedings …, 2017
Anchoring in a novel bimanual coordination pattern
D Maslovat, MY Lam, KM Brunke, R Chua, IM Franks
Human Movement Science 28 (1), 28-47, 2009
Reaction time effects due to imperative stimulus modality are absent when a startle elicits a pre-programmed action
AN Carlsen, MY Lam, D Maslovat, R Chua
Neuroscience Letters 500 (3), 177-181, 2011
Unconscious and out of control: Subliminal priming is insensitive to observer expectations
EK Cressman, MY Lam, IM Franks, JT Enns, R Chua
Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3), 716-728, 2013
Macroscopic aspects of gross motor control: A test of the end-state comfort effect
MY Lam, K McFee, R Chua, DJ Weeks
Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport 77 (3), 396-400, 2006
Whose turn is it anyway? The moderating role of response-execution certainty on the joint Simon effect
A Karlinsky, MY Lam, R Chua, NJ Hodges
Psychological Research 83 (5), 833-841, 2019
Test–retest reliability of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency for youth with Prader-Willi syndrome
MY Lam, DA Rubin, E White, AT Duran, DJ Rose
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 61 (5), 355-357, 2018
Therapists' perceptions of social media and video game technologies in upper limb rehabilitation. JMIR Serious Games. 2015 Mar 10; 3 (1): e2. 10.2196/games. 3401
SK Tatla, N Shirzad, KR Lohse, N Virji-Babul, AM Hoens, L Holsti, LC Li, ...
The influence of social context and social connection on visual perceptual processes
J Laforest, M MacGillivray, MY Lam
Acta Psychologica 215, 103270, 2021
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Demonstrates Gyral Abnormalities in Tourette Syndrome
B McCann, MY Lam, T Shiohama, P Ijner, E Takahashi, J Levman
International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2022
Modulation of joint action correspondence effects by task context: Examination of the contributions of social, spatial, and response discrimination factors
MY Lam
University of British Columbia, 2013
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