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As'ari Djohar
As'ari Djohar
upi.edu üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Pendidikan teknologi dan kejuruan
A Djohar
Dalam Ilmu dan Aplikasi Pendidikan. Bandung: Pedagogiana Press. Hal 1285, 1300, 2007
Design of a blended learning environment based on Merrill’s principles
J Simarmata, A Djohar, J Purba, EA Juanda
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 954, 012005, 2018
Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Berbasis Blended Learning untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa
J Simarmata, A Djohar, JP Purba, EA Djuanda
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Inovasi dan Teknologi Informasi SNITI-3, ISSN …, 2016
Pembelajaran Campuran (Blended Learning)
J Simarmata
OSF, 2017
The national curriculum implementation into the operational curriculum based on multiple intelligences theory (Research dissemination before pandemic Covid-19)
A Gandasari, D Wahyudin, I Abdulhak, A Djohar
Indonesian Journal of Social Sciences 14 (1), 14-25, 2022
The development of hybrid learning curriculum model for improving teachers competencies in teacher education institutions in Indonesia and South Korea
I Abdulhak, A Djohar, D Wahyudin
International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science 3 (1), 31-35, 2018
The Conceptual Framework of The Curriculum Operational Based on The Multiple Intelligences Theory and It’s Implementation in Panca Setya 2 Elementary School Sintang Kalimantan …
A Gandasari, I Abdulhak, A Djohar, D Wahyudin
Scholarly Research Journal Interdisciplinary Studies 6 (51), 12520-12544, 2019
Pengembangan Model Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan
A Djohar
Bandung: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, 2003
A design of innovative engineering drawing teaching materials
A Djohar, M Komaro
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 306 (1), 012090, 2018
Perspektif Pendidikan Menengah dan Kejuruan dalam Menyiapkan Tenaga Kerja yang Siap Mendukung Proses Pembangunan di Berbagai Bidang
A Djohar
Pidato Pengukuhan Jabatan Guru Besar Tetap dalam Ilmu Pendidikan pada …, 2008
Comparison of accessibility of OER repositories of developed countries and developing countries based on WCAG 2.0 guidelines
S Saripudin, A Djohar, D Rohendi, AG Abdullah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (7), 077042, 2019
Application of multimedia animation engineering drawing (MMAED) for vocational high school students
A Djohar, M Komaro, AS Pratiwi, T Muhammad, M Sayuti
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1179 (1), 012039, 2019
The development of multimedia engineering drawing animations for increasing vocational high school students competency in Indonesia
M Mujiarto, M Komaro, AS Pertiwi, T Muhammad
5th UPI International conference on technical and vocational education and …, 2019
Blended learning, implementation strategy: The new era of education
M Lubis, M Parsusah, M Komaro, A Djohar
5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and …, 2019
Animation multimedia (MMA) of improving the concept mastery of atomic crystal structure that determinants mechanical properties of material
M Komaro, A Djohar, A Setiawan, B Hasan, S Hidayat
3rd UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and …, 2014
Implementation of brain-based learning capability to improve students critical thinking skills
QY Zaqiah, A Hasanah, D Wahyudin, A Djohar
Journal of Positive School Psychology 6 (8), 2922-2931, 2022
Employability Skills Framework for Mechanical Engineering
HD Nugraha, A Djohar, M Komaro
5th UPI International Conference on Technical and Vocational Education and …, 2019
Literacy and benefits of OER concept for prospective vocational high school teachers
A Djohar, D Rohendi, AG Abdullah
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 434 (1), 012279, 2018
Self-Designed Project Based Learning-in the Lathe Machining Field
A Hamdani, A Djohar, D Hidayat
2015 International Conference on Innovation in Engineering and Vocational …, 2015
Multimedia animasi (mma) dalam meningkatkan penguasaan konsep bidang geser atom penentu sifat mekanik material
M Komaro, A Djohar, A Setiawan, B Hasan, MM Muharrom
Edusentris 2 (2), 146-155, 2015
Sistem, işlemi şu anda gerçekleştiremiyor. Daha sonra yeniden deneyin.
Makaleler 1–20