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Physics of Plasmas 11 (8), 3819-3829, 2004
126 2004 Terrestrial lion roars and non‐Maxwellian distribution MNS Qureshi, W Nasir, W Masood, PH Yoon, HA Shah, SJ Schwartz
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81 2014 Effects of trapping and finite temperature in a relativistic degenerate plasma HA Shah, W Masood, MNS Qureshi, NL Tsintsadze
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66 2011 Effect of trapping in degenerate quantum plasmas HA Shah, MNS Qureshi, N Tsintsadze
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66 2010 Effect of trapping in a degenerate plasma in the presence of a quantizing magnetic field HA Shah, MJ Iqbal, N Tsintsadze, W Masood, MNS Qureshi
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57 2012 Landau damping in space plasmas with generalized (r, q) distribution function MNS Qureshi, JK Shi, SZ Ma
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55 2005 Parallel Proton Heating in Solar Wind Using Generalized (r , q ) Distribution Function Z Kiran, HA Shah, MNS Qureshi, G Murtaza
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50 2006 Electron acoustic nonlinear structures in planetary magnetospheres KH Shah, MNS Qureshi, W Masood, HA Shah
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46 2018 Whistler instability based on observed flat-top two-component electron distributions in the Earth's magnetosphere MNS Qureshi, W Nasir, R Bruno, W Masood
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35 2016 Solar wind particle distribution function fitted via the generalized kappa distribution function: Cluster observations MNS Qureshi, G Pallocchia, R Bruno, MB Cattaneo, V Formisano, ...
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27 2020 Nonlinear kinetic Alfven waves in space plasmas with generalized ( ) distribution S Khalid, MNS Qureshi, W Masood
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26 2018 Nonlinear kinetic Alfvén waves with non‐Maxwellian electron population in space plasmas W Masood, MNS Qureshi, PH Yoon, HA Shah
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 120 (1), 101-112, 2015
26 2015 Properties of solitary ion acoustic waves in a quantized degenerate magnetoplasma with trapped electrons NL Tsintsadze, HA Shah, MNS Qureshi, MN Tagviashvili
Physics of Plasmas 22 (2), 2015
21 2015 An alternative explanation for the density depletions observed by Freja and Viking satellites KH Shah, MNS Qureshi, W Masood, HA Shah
AIP Advances 8 (8), 2018
19 2018 Alfvenic perturbations with finite Larmor radius effect in non-Maxwellian electron–positron–ion plasmas S Khalid, MNS Qureshi, W Masood
AIP Advances 10 (2), 2020
18 2020 Compressive and rarefactive solitary structures of coupled kinetic Alfven-acoustic waves in non-Maxwellian space plasmas S Khalid, MNS Qureshi, W Masood
Physics of Plasmas 26 (9), 2019
18 2019 Memory-type ratio and product estimators for population variance using exponentially weighted moving averages for time-scaled surveys MN Qureshi, MU Tariq, M Hanif
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17 2024 Characteristics of heat flux and electromagnetic electron-cyclotron instabilities driven by solar wind electrons S Saeed, PH Yoon, M Sarfraz, MNS Qureshi
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 466 (4), 4928-4936, 2017
17 2017