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R Phani Murali Krishna
R Phani Murali Krishna
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Alıntı yapanlar
Role of ocean–atmosphere interaction on northward propagation of Indian summer monsoon intra-seasonal oscillations (MISO)
S Sharmila, PA Pillai, S Joseph, M Roxy, RPM Krishna, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Climate dynamics 41, 1651-1669, 2013
Monsoon mission: a targeted activity to improve monsoon prediction across scales
SA Rao, BN Goswami, AK Sahai, EN Rajagopal, P Mukhopadhyay, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (12), 2509-2532, 2019
Simulation and extended range prediction of monsoon intraseasonal oscillations in NCEP CFS/GFS version 2 framework
AK Sahai, S Sharmila, S Abhilash, R Chattopadhyay, N Borah, ...
Current Science, 1394-1408, 2013
Real time extended range prediction of heat waves over India
R Mandal, S Joseph, AK Sahai, R Phani, A Dey, R Chattopadhyay, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9008, 2019
Influence of extratropical sea‐surface temperature on the Indian summer monsoon: an unexplored source of seasonal predictability
R Chattopadhyay, R Phani, CT Sabeerali, AR Dhakate, KD Salunke, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 141 (692), 2760-2775, 2015
Performance of a very high-resolution global forecast system model (GFS T1534) at 12.5 km over the Indian region during the 2016–2017 monsoon seasons
P Mukhopadhyay, VS Prasad, RPM Krishna, M Deshpande, M Ganai, ...
Journal of Earth System Science 128, 1-18, 2019
Improving synoptic and intraseasonal variability in CFSv2 via stochastic representation of organized convection
BB Goswami, B Khouider, R Phani, P Mukhopadhyay, A Majda
Geophysical Research Letters 44 (2), 1104-1113, 2017
Revised cloud processes to improve the mean and intraseasonal variability of I ndian summer monsoon in climate forecast system: Part 1
S Abhik, RPM Krishna, M Mahakur, M Ganai, P Mukhopadhyay, J Dudhia
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9 (2), 1002-1029, 2017
Simulation of the Indian summer monsoon in the superparameterized Climate Forecast System version 2: Preliminary results
BB Goswami, RPM Krishna, P Mukhopadhyay, M Khairoutdinov, ...
Journal of Climate 28 (22), 8988-9012, 2015
Real-time forecast of dense fog events over Delhi: The performance of the wrf model during the wifex field campaign
P Pithani, SD Ghude, RK Jenamani, M Biswas, CV Naidu, S Debnath, ...
Weather and Forecasting 35 (2), 739-756, 2020
The impact of revised simplified Arakawa‐Schubert scheme on the simulation of mean and diurnal variability associated with active and break phases of Indian summer monsoon …
M Ganai, RPM Krishna, P Mukhopadhyay, M Mahakur
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 121 (16), 9301-9323, 2016
Improved tropical modes of variability in the NCEP Climate Forecast System (version 2) via a stochastic multicloud model
BB Goswami, B Khouider, R Phani, P Mukhopadhyay, AJ Majda
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 74 (10), 3339-3366, 2017
Evolution of operational extended range forecast system of IMD: Prospects of its applications in different sectors
DR Pattanaik, AK Sahai, R Mandal, RP Muralikrishna, A Dey, ...
Mausam 70 (2), 233-264, 2019
Implementation and calibration of a stochastic multicloud convective parameterization in the ncep c limate f orecast s ystem (cfsv2)
BB Goswami, B Khouider, R Phani, P Mukhopadhyay, AJ Majda
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9 (3), 1721-1739, 2017
The impact of revised simplified Arakawa–Schubert convection parameterization scheme in CFSv2 on the simulation of the Indian summer monsoon
M Ganai, P Mukhopadhyay, RPM Krishna, M Mahakur
Climate Dynamics 45, 881-902, 2015
Polaronic effects in asymmetric quantum wire: An all-coupling variational approach
PM Krishna, S Mukhopadhyay, A Chatterjee
Solid state communications 138 (6), 285-289, 2006
Diagnosis of boreal summer intraseasonal oscillation in high resolution NCEP climate forecast system
S Abhik, P Mukhopadhyay, RPM Krishna, KD Salunke, AR Dhakate, ...
Climate dynamics 46, 3287-3303, 2016
Bipolaronic phase in polar semiconductor quantum dots: An all-coupling approach
PM Krishna, S Mukhopadhyay, A Chatterjee
Physics Letters A 360 (4-5), 655-658, 2007
Real-time performance of a multi-model ensemble-based extended range forecast system in predicting the 2014 monsoon season based on NCEP-CFSv2
AK Sahai, R Chattopadhyay, S Joseph, R Mandal, A Dey, S Abhilash, ...
Current Science, 1802-1813, 2015
Effect of electron–phonon interaction on the electronic properties of an axially symmetric polar semiconductor quantum wire with transverse parabolic confinement
RPM Krishna, A Chatterjee
Physica B: Condensed Matter 358 (1-4), 191-200, 2005
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