Takip et
D Pyza
D Pyza
Wydział Transportu Politechnika Warszawska
pw.edu.pl üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Modelowanie systemów przewozowych w zastosowaniu do projektowania obsługi transportowej podmiotów gospodarczych
D Pyza
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Transport, 2012
Vehicle routing in an urban area: Environmental and technological determinants
K Lewczuk, J Żak, D Pyza, I Jacyna-Gołda
WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 130, 373-384, 2013
Analysis of the traffic stream distribution in terms of identification of areas with the highest exhaust pollution
T Ambroziak, R Jachimowski, D Pyza, E Szczepański
Archives of Transport 32 (4), 7-16, 2014
Use of hydrogen in public transport systems
D Pyza, P Gołda, E Sendek-Matysiak
Journal of Cleaner Production 335, 130247, 2022
Identification and analysis of parameters for the areas of the highest harmful exhaust emissions in the model EMITRANSYS
T Ambroziak, P Gołębiowski, D Pyza, I Jacyna-Gołda, ...
Journal of KONES 20 (3), 9-20, 2013
Performance of equipment and means of internal transport and efficiency of implementation of warehouse processes
D Pyza, R Jachimowski, I Jacyna-Gołda, K Lewczuk
Procedia Engineering 187, 706-711, 2017
Effectiveness of national transport system according to costs of emission of pollutants
M Jacyna, K Lewczuk, E Szczepański, P Gołębiowski, R Jachimowski, ...
Safety and reliability: methodology and applications, 559-567, 2015
Modelling of parcels' transport system
D Pyza, R Jachimowski
19th International Conference Transport Means 2015, 2015
Alternative fuels and their impact on reducing pollution of the natural environment
D Pyza, I Jacyna-Gołda, P Gołda, P Gołębiowski
Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska 20, 2018
Multi-Criteria Evaluation of Transportation Systems in Supply Chains Wielokryterialna ocena systemów przewozowych w łańcuchach dostaw
D Pyza
Archives of Transport, 2011
Optimisation of transport in distribution systems with restrictions on delivery times
D Pyza
Archives of Transport 21, 125-147, 2009
Transport intermodalny
M Jacyna, D Pyza, R Jachimowski
Projektowanie terminali intermodalnych. Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa, 2017
Designing and efficiency of database for simulation of processes in systems. Case study for the simulation of warehouse processes
R Jachimowski, P Gołębiowski, M Izdebski, D Pyza, E Szczepański
Archives of Transport, 2017
Selected aspects of transportation system modelling
T Ambroziak, D Pyza
Total Logistic Management 1, 15-24, 2008
Selected aspects of modelling of conveyance systems at random supply
D Pyza
Archives of Transport 20, 47-61, 2008
Transport intermodalny: projektowanie terminali przeładunkowych
M Jacyna, D Pyza, R Jachimowski
PWN. Warszawa, 2017
Modelowanie procesów logistycznych w przedsiębiorstwach transportowych
D Pyza
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Transport, 221-229, 2007
Influence of meteorological conditions on road accidents. A model Indexed by: for observations with excess zeros
A Borucka, D Pyza
Eksploatacja i Niezawodność 23 (3), 586-592, 2021
The application of the genetic algorithm to multi-criteria warehouses location problems on the logistics network
M Izdebski, I Jacyna-Gołda, M Wasiak, R Jachimowski, M Kłodawski, ...
Transport 33 (3), 741-750, 2018
Rail vehicles recycling
A Merkisz-Guranowska, J Merkisz, M Jacyna, D Pyza, H Stawecka
WIT Transactions on the built environment 135, 425-436, 2014
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