Takip et
Jongwan Kim
Jongwan Kim
Diğer adlar김 종완
Associate Professor of Psychology, Jeonbuk National University
jbnu.ac.kr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Representations of Modality-General Valence for Videos and Music Derived From fMRI Data
J Kim, SV Shinkareva, DH Wedell
NeuroImage 148, 42-54, 2017
Representations of modality‐specific affective processing for visual and auditory stimuli derived from functional magnetic resonance imaging data
SV Shinkareva, J Wang, J Kim, MJ Facciani, LB Baucom, DH Wedell
Human brain mapping 35 (7), 3558-3568, 2014
Identifying core affect in individuals from fMRI responses to dynamic naturalistic audiovisual stimuli
J Kim, J Wang, DH Wedell, SV Shinkareva
PloS one 11 (9), e0161589, 2016
Interactions between emotion and action in the brain
LCL Portugal, RCS Alves, OF Junior, TA Sanchez, I Mocaiber, E Volchan, ...
Neuroimage 214, 116728, 2020
A study in affect: Predicting valence from fMRI data
J Kim, CE Weber, C Gao, S Schulteis, DH Wedell, SV Shinkareva
Neuropsychologia 143, 107473, 2020
Audiovisual integration in the human brain: a coordinate-based meta-analysis
C Gao, JJ Green, X Yang, S Oh, J Kim, SV Shinkareva
Cerebral Cortex 33 (9), 5574-5584, 2023
Comparison of Physiological Responses to Affect Eliciting Pictures and Music
J Kim, DH Wedell
International Journal of Psychophysiology 101, 9-17, 2016
Modelling audiovisual integration of affect from videos and music
C Gao, DH Wedell, J Kim, CE Weber, SV Shinkareva
Cognition and Emotion 32 (3), 516-529, 2018
Representation of facial expressions of different ages: A multidimensional scaling study
J Kim
Science of Emotion and Sensibility 24 (3), 71-80, 2021
메시지 해석에 이모티콘이 미치는 정서적 효과: 휴대전화 문자 메시지 상황을 중심으로: 휴대전화 문자 메시지 상황을 중심으로
안원미, 김종완, 한광희
한국 HCI 학회 논문지 5 (1), 11-18, 2010
Distributed and multifaceted effects of threat and safety
DVPS Murty, S Song, K Morrow, J Kim, K Hu, L Pessoa
Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 34 (3), 495-516, 2022
Distinguishing abstract from concrete concepts in supramodal brain regions
C Gao, LB Baucom, J Kim, J Wang, DH Wedell, SV Shinkareva
Neuropsychologia 131, 102-110, 2019
Effects of manipulating the tempo of popular songs on behavioral and physiological responses
J Kim, CA Strohbach, DH Wedell
Psychology of Music 47 (3), 392-406, 2019
Measuring consistency of affective responses to ASMR stimuli across individuals using Intersubject correlation
I Kim, J Jang, H Kim, J Kim
Kor. J. Cogn. Biol. Psychol 34, 121-133, 2022
Distinct neural mechanisms underlying conceptual knowledge of manner and instrument verbs
WO van Dam, A Almor, SV Shinkareva, J Kim, TW Boiteau, EA Shay, ...
Neuropsychologia 133, 107183, 2019
Context effects on reproduced magnitudes from short-term and long-term memory
DH Wedell, WM Hayes, J Kim
Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 82, 1710-1726, 2020
Evaluative conditioning of affective valence
CE Weber, SV Shinkareva, J Kim, C Gao, DH Wedell
Social Cognition 38 (2), 97-118, 2020
IPTV 환경에서의 효율적인 인터페이스 디자인을 위한 인지적ㆍ물리적 가독성 요소 연구
채행석, 조운정, 홍지영, 김성은, 김종완, 정대현, 한광희
Archives of Design Research 22 (1), 91-104, 2009
Internet Protocol TV 환경에서 효율적인 웹 탐색기법의 사용성에 대한 비교 연구
홍지영, 채행석, 조운정, 정대현, 김종완, 김성은, 이혜정, 한광희
대한인간공학회지 27 (4), 15-26, 2008
코로나바이러스 (COVID-19) 유행이 대학생의 부정정서에 미치는 영향
장준혁, 박승희, 김진휘, 김종완
감성과학 24 (4), 39-52, 2021
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