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Ping-Hei Chen
Ping-Hei Chen
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Taiwan Univesity
ntu.edu.tw üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Effect of structural character of gold nanoparticles in nanofluid on heat pipe thermal performance
CY Tsai, HT Chien, PP Ding, B Chan, TY Luh, PH Chen
Materials Letters 58 (9), 1461-1465, 2004
Surface wettability effects on critical heat flux of boiling heat transfer using nanoparticle coatings
CC Hsu, PH Chen
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (13-14), 3713-3719, 2012
Bubble growth and ink ejection process of a thermal ink jet printhead
PH Chen, WC Chen, SH Chang
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 39 (6), 683-695, 1997
The characteristic behavior of TMAH water solution for anisotropic etching on both silicon substrate and SiO2 layer
PH Chen, HY Peng, CM Hsieh, MK Chyu
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 93 (2), 132-137, 2001
Improvement on thermal performance of a disk-shaped miniature heat pipe with nanofluid
HT Chien, CI Tsai, PH Chen, PY Chen
Fifth International Conference onElectronic Packaging Technology Proceedings …, 2003
Rapid mixing between ferro-nanofluid and water in a semi-active Y-type micromixer
TH Tsai, DS Liou, LS Kuo, PH Chen
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 153 (2), 267-273, 2009
Effect of viscosity of base fluid on thermal conductivity of nanofluids
TH Tsai, LS Kuo, PH Chen, CT Yang
Applied Physics Letters 93 (23), 2008
Study on wetting properties of periodical nanopatterns by a combinative technique of photolithography and laser interference lithography
YL Yang, CC Hsu, TL Chang, LS Kuo, PH Chen
Applied Surface Science 256 (11), 3683-3687, 2010
Pressure response and droplet ejection of a piezoelectric inkjet printhead
PH Chen, HY Peng, HY Liu, SL Chang, TI Wu, CH Cheng
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 41 (2), 235-248, 1999
Optically-induced-dielectrophoresis (ODEP)-based cell manipulation in a microfluidic system for high-purity isolation of integral circulating tumor cell (CTC) clusters based on …
TK Chiu, AC Chao, WP Chou, CJ Liao, HM Wang, JH Chang, PH Chen, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 258, 1161-1173, 2018
Numerical investigation of confined multiple-jet impingement cooling over a flat plate at different crossflow orientaions
JM Miao, CY Wu, PH Chen
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 55 (11), 1019-1050, 2009
Effect of heterogeneous wettable structures on pool boiling performance of cylindrical copper surfaces
CSS Kumar, YW Chang, PH Chen
Applied Thermal Engineering 127, 1184-1193, 2017
DNA detection using commercial mobile phones
D Lee, WP Chou, SH Yeh, PJ Chen, PH Chen
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 26 (11), 4349-4354, 2011
A miniaturized quantitative polymerase chain reaction system for DNA amplification and detection
JH Wang, LJ Chien, TM Hsieh, CH Luo, WP Chou, PH Chen, PJ Chen, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 141 (1), 329-337, 2009
Rapid DNA amplification in a capillary tube by natural convection with a single isothermal heater.
WP Chou, PH Chen Jr, M Miao, LS Kuo, SH Yeh, PJ Chen
Biotechniques 50 (1), 52, 2011
MEMS thermal flow sensors
CH Wu, D Kang, PH Chen, YC Tai
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 241, 135-144, 2016
Applications of ferro-nanofluid on a micro-transformer
TH Tsai, LS Kuo, PH Chen, D Lee, CT Yang
Sensors 10 (9), 8161-8172, 2010
Droplet formation of a thermal sideshooter inkjet printhead
PH Chen, WC Chen, PP Ding, SH Chang
International Journal of heat and fluid flow 19 (4), 382-390, 1998
Effect of interlaced wettability on horizontal copper cylinders in nucleate pool boiling
CC Hsu, MR Lee, CH Wu, PH Chen
Applied Thermal Engineering 112, 1187-1194, 2017
Surface roughness variation effects on copper tubes in pool boiling of water
MRM Arenales, S Kumar, LS Kuo, PH Chen
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 151, 119399, 2020
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