Preeti Chaturvedi
Preeti Chaturvedi
Principal Scientist , CSIR IITR, INDIA
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iitr.res.in
Prevalence and hazardous impact of pharmaceutical and personal care products and antibiotics in environment: A review on emerging contaminants
P Chaturvedi, P Shukla, BS Giri, P Chowdhary, R Chandra, P Gupta, ...
Environmental research 194, 110664, 2021
Bacillus aerius sp. nov., Bacillus aerophilus sp. nov., Bacillus stratosphericus sp. nov. and Bacillus altitudinis sp. nov., isolated from cryogenic tubes used for …
S Shivaji, P Chaturvedi, K Suresh, GSN Reddy, CBS Dutt, M Wainwright, ...
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 56 (7 …, 2006
A critical review on exploiting the pharmaceutical potential of plant endophytic fungi
S Gupta, P Chaturvedi, MG Kulkarni, J Van Staden
Biotechnology advances 39, 107462, 2020
Removal of methylene blue dye using rice husk, cow dung and sludge biochar: Characterization, application, and kinetic studies
A Ahmad, N Khan, BS Giri, P Chowdhary, P Chaturvedi
Bioresource technology 306, 123202, 2020
Janibacter hoylei sp. nov., Bacillus isronensis sp. nov. and Bacillus aryabhattai sp. nov., isolated from cryotubes used for collecting air from the upper atmosphere
S Shivaji, P Chaturvedi, Z Begum, PK Pindi, R Manorama, ...
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 59 (12 …, 2009
Current trends and possibilities for exploitation of Grape pomace as a potential source for value addition
PC Pankaj Chowdhary ,Abhishek Gupta, Edgard Gnansounou, Ashok Pandey
Environmental Pollution 278, 116796, 2021
Critical review on microbial community during in-situ bioremediation of heavy metals from industrial wastewater
SV panelPooja Sharma, Ashutosh Kumar Pandey, Sang-Hyoun Kim, Surendra Pratap ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 101826, 2021
Biochar and environmental sustainability: Emerging trends and techno-economic perspectives
PC Nawaz Khan, Pankaj Chowdhary, Edgard Gnansounou
Bioresource Technology, 2021
Recent advancement in remediation of synthetic organic antibiotics from environmental matrices: challenges and perspective
P Chaturvedi, BS Giri, P Shukla, P Gupta
Bioresource Technology 319, 124161, 2021
Micro-and nano-plastics (MNPs) as emerging pollutant in ground water: Environmental impact, potential risks, limitations and way forward towards sustainable management
V Kumar, E Singh, S Singh, A Pandey, PC Bhargava
Chemical Engineering Journal 459, 141568, 2023
Sustainable green processing of grape pomace for the production of value-added products: An overview
PC Talat Ilyas, Pankaj Chowdhary, Deepshi Chaurasia, Edgarg Gnansounou ...
Environmental Technology and Innovation 23, 101592, 2021
Exiguobacterium indicum sp. nov., a psychrophilic bacterium from the Hamta glacier of the Himalayan mountain ranges of India
P Chaturvedi, S Shivaji
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 56 (12 …, 2006
Bacillus arsenicus sp. nov., an arsenic-resistant bacterium isolated from a siderite concretion in West Bengal, India
S Shivaji, K Suresh, P Chaturvedi, S Dube, S Sengupta
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 55 (3 …, 2005
Pedobacter himalayensis sp. nov., from the Hamta glacier located in the Himalayan mountain ranges of India
S Shivaji, P Chaturvedi, GSN Reddy, K Suresh
International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 55 (3 …, 2005
Sustainable biochar: A facile strategy for soil and environmental restoration, energy generation, mitigation of global climate change and circular bioeconomy
S Neogi, V Sharma, N Khan, D Chaurasia, A Ahmad, S Chauhan, A Singh, ...
Chemosphere 293, 133474, 2022
Newly isolated Bacillus sp. PS-6 assisted phytoremediation of heavy metals using Phragmites communis: Potential application in wastewater treatment
P Sharma, S Tripathi, P Chaturvedi, D Chaurasia, R Chandra
Bioresource technology 320, 124353, 2021
Critical review on technological advancements for effective waste management of municipal solid waste - Updates and way forward
PC Priya Prajapati, Sunita Varjani, Reeta Rani Singhania, Anil Kumar Patel ...
Environmental Technology & Innovation, 101749, 2021
Hydrothermal liquefaction of rice husk and cow dung in Mixed-Bed-Rotating Pyrolyzer and application of biochar for dye removal
N Khan, P Chowdhary, A Ahmad, BS Giri, P Chaturvedi
Bioresource technology 309, 123294, 2020
Biochar for remediation of agrochemicals and synthetic organic dyes from environmental samples: a review
AP Ravindra KumarGautam,MandaviGoswami,Rakesh K.Mishra,PreetiChaturvedi ...
Chemosphere, 2021
Blueberry fruit valorization and valuable constituents: A review
MKA Yumin Duan, Ayon Tarafdar, Deepshi Chaurasia, Anuradha Singh, Preeti ...
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 109890, 2022
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