Gerbrand Tholen
Gerbrand Tholen
Підтверджена електронна адреса в city.ac.uk
Educating for the knowledge economy?: critical perspectives
H Lauder, M Young, H Daniels, M Balarin, J Lowe
Routledge, 2012
Credentials, talent and cultural capital: A comparative study of educational elites in England and France
P Brown, S Power, G Tholen, A Allouch
British Journal of Sociology of Education 37 (2), 191-211, 2016
What can research into graduate employability tell us about agency and structure?
G Tholen
British Journal of Sociology of Education 36 (5), 766-784, 2015
The role of networks and connections in educational elites’ labour market entrance
G Tholen, P Brown, S Power, A Allouch
Research in social stratification and mobility 34, 142-154, 2013
What we know and what we need to know about graduate skills
S James, C Warhurst, G Tholen, J Commander
Work, employment and society 27 (6), 952-963, 2013
Graduate employability and educational context: a comparison between Great Britain and the Netherlands
G Tholen
British Educational Research Journal 40 (1), 1-17, 2014
Higher education, graduate skills and the skills of graduates: the case of graduates as residential sales estate agents
G Tholen, SJ Relly, C Warhurst, J Commander
British Educational Research Journal 42 (3), 508-523, 2016
Symbolic closure: Towards a renewed sociological perspective on the relationship between higher education, credentials and the graduate labour market
G Tholen
Sociology 51 (5), 1067-1083, 2017
Self, Career and Nationhood: The contrasting aspirations of B ritish and F rench elite graduates
S Power, P Brown, A Allouch, G Tholen
The British Journal of Sociology 64 (4), 578-596, 2013
Education, globalisation and the knowledge economy, a commentary for the ESRC Teaching and Learning Research Programme (TLRP)
P Brown, H Lauder, D Ashton, G Tholen
TLRP, 2008
The Changing Nature of the Graduate Labour Market: Media, Policy and Political Discourses in the UK
Palgrave MacMillan, 2014
Graduate work: skills, credentials, careers, and labour markets
G Tholen
Oxford University Press, 2017
The social construction of competition for graduate jobs: A comparison between Great Britain and the Netherlands
G Tholen
Sociology 47 (2), 267-283, 2013
Higher education and the myths of graduate employability
G Tholen, P Brown
Higher education and social inequalities, 152-166, 2017
Towards a high-skilled, low-waged workforce? A review of global trends in education, employment and the labour market
P Brown, D Ashton, H Lauder, G Tholen
ESRC Centre on Skills, Knowledge and Organisational Performance (SKOPE), 2008
Degree power: educational credentialism within three skilled occupations
G Tholen
British Journal of Sociology of Education 41 (3), 283-298, 2020
Modern work and the marketisation of higher education
G Tholen
Policy Press, 2022
Towards a high-skilled, low-waged workforce
P Brown, D Ashton, H Lauder, G Tholen
A review of global trends in education, employment and the labour market 10, 2008
Giving something back? Sentiments of privilege and social responsibility among elite graduates from Britain and France
S Power, A Allouch, P Brown, G Tholen
International Sociology 31 (3), 305-323, 2016
The limits of higher education institutions as sites of work skill development, the cases of software engineers, laboratory scientists, financial analysts and press officers
G Tholen
Studies in Higher Education 44 (11), 2041-2052, 2019
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