Shankar Biradar
Shankar Biradar
Research Scholar @ IIIT Dharwad
Підтверджена електронна адреса в iiitdwd.ac.in
Combating the infodemic: COVID-19 induced fake news recognition in social media networks
S Biradar, S Saumya, A Chauhan
Complex & Intelligent Systems 9 (3), 2879-2891, 2023
Fighting hate speech from bilingual hinglish speaker’s perspective, a transformer-and translation-based approach.
S Biradar, S Saumya, A Chauhan
Social Network Analysis and Mining 12 (1), 87, 2022
Hate or non-hate: Translation based hate speech identification in code-mixed hinglish data set
S Biradar, S Saumya, A Chauhan
2021 IEEE international conference on big data (Big Data), 2470-2475, 2021
Iiitdwd@ tamilnlp-acl2022: Transformer-based approach to classify abusive content in dravidian code-mixed text
S Biradar, S Saumya
Proceedings of the second workshop on speech and language technologies for …, 2022
Are you a hero or a villain? A semantic role labelling approach for detecting harmful memes.
S Fharook, SS Ahmed, G Rithika, SS Budde, S Saumya, S Biradar
Proceedings of the workshop on combating online hostile posts in regional …, 2022
Faux hate: unravelling the web of fake narratives in spreading hateful stories: a multi-label and multi-class dataset in cross-lingual hindi-english code-mixed text
S Biradar, S Saumya, A Chauhan
Language Resources and Evaluation, 1-32, 2024
Sentiment and Homophobia Detection on YouTube using Ensemble Machine Learning Techniques.
S Saumya, V Jha, S Biradar
FIRE (Working Notes), 92-99, 2022
IIITDWD-zk@ DravidianLangTech-2024: Leveraging the power of language models for hate speech detection in Telugu-English code-mixed text
Z Shaik, SKR Kasu, S Saumya, S Biradar
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language …, 2024
A comparative analysis of data sets using Machine Learning techniques
CB Abhilash, K Rohitaksha, S Biradar
2014 IEEE international advance computing conference (IACC), 24-29, 2014
IIITDWD_SVC@ DravidianLangTech-2024: Breaking Language Barriers; Hate Speech Detection in Telugu-English Code-Mixed Text
C Sai, R Kumar, S Saumya, S Biradar
Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Speech, Vision, and Language …, 2024
Pradvis vac: A socio-demographic dataset for determining the level of hatred severity in a low-resource Hinglish language
S Biradar, S Saumya, A Kumar, A Singh
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing, 2022
mBERT based model for identification of offensive content in south Indian languages
SS Shankar Biradar, A Chauhan
Working notes of FIRE 2021-forum for information retrieval evaluation …, 2021
Vtubgm@ lt-edi-2023: Hope speech identification using layered differential training of ulmfit
SM Kavatagi, RR Rachh, SS Biradar
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality …, 2023
mBERT based model for identification of offensive content in south Indian languages
S Biradar, S Saumya, A Chauhan
FIRE (Working Notes), 2021
Comparative analysis of dynamic programming algorithms to find similarity in gene sequences
S Biradar, V Desai, B Madagouda, M Patil
Int. J. Res. Eng. Technol 2 (8), 312-316, 2013
IIITDWD@ LT-EDI-2023 Unveiling Depression: Using pre-trained language models for harnessing domain-specific features and context information
S Biradar, S Saumya, S Kavatagi
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technology for Equality …, 2023
Hope Speech Detection on Social Media Platforms
P Aggarwal, P Chandana, J Nemade, S Sharma, S Saumya, S Biradar
Cybercrime in Social Media Theory and Solutions 1, 276, 2023
IIITDWD-ShankarB@ Dravidian-CodeMixi-HASOC2021: mBERT based model for identification of offensive content in south Indian languages
S Biradar, S Saumya
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.10195, 2022
LoRA adapter weight tuning with multi-task learning for Faux-Hate detection
A Onajol, V Gani, P Marakatti, B Malwankar, S Biradar
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language …, 2024
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)
S Biradar, KSK Reddy, S Saumya, MS Akhtar
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language …, 2024
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