Yong Liu
Yong Liu
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Peking University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в pku.edu.cn - Домашня сторінка
Application of multivariate statistical methods to water quality assessment of the watercourses in northwestern new territories, Hong Kong
F Zhou, Y Liu, H Guo
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 132 (1), 1-13, 2007
Distribution of sediment bacterial and archaeal communities in plateau freshwater lakes
J Zhang, Y Yang, L Zhao, Y Li, S Xie, Y Liu
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99, 3291-3302, 2015
An integrated GIS-based analysis system for land-use management of lake areas in urban fringe
Y Liu, X Lv, X Qin, H Guo, Y Yu, J Wang, G Mao
Landscape and Urban planning 82 (4), 233-246, 2007
Internal cycling, not external loading, decides the nutrient limitation in eutrophic lake: A dynamic model with temporal Bayesian hierarchical inference
Z Wu, Y Liu, Z Liang, S Wu, H Guo
Water research 116, 231-240, 2017
Chemometrics data analysis of marine water quality and source identification in Southern Hong Kong
F Zhou, H Guo, Y Liu, Y Jiang
Marine pollution bulletin 54 (6), 745-756, 2007
Quantitative evaluation of lake eutrophication responses under alternative water diversion scenarios: A water quality modeling based statistical analysis approach
Y Liu, Y Wang, H Sheng, F Dong, R Zou, L Zhao, H Guo, X Zhu, B He
Science of the Total Environment 468, 219-227, 2014
Spatiotemporal variation of planktonic and sediment bacterial assemblages in two plateau freshwater lakes at different trophic status
Y Dai, Y Yang, Z Wu, Q Feng, S Xie, Y Liu
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 100, 4161-4175, 2016
刘永, 郭怀成, 戴永立, 陆轶峰
环境科学学报 24 (4), 723-729, 2004
An integrated system dynamics model developed for managing lake water quality at the watershed scale
H Liu, G Benoit, T Liu, Y Liu, H Guo
Journal of environmental management 155, 11-23, 2015
Water quality modeling for load reduction under uncertainty: A Bayesian approach
Y Liu, P Yang, C Hu, H Guo
Water research 42 (13), 3305-3314, 2008
Simulate the forecast capacity of a complicated water quality model using the long short-term memory approach
Z Liang, R Zou, X Chen, T Ren, H Su, Y Liu
Journal of Hydrology 581, 124432, 2020
A three-dimensional water quality modeling approach for exploring the eutrophication responses to load reduction scenarios in Lake Yilong (China)
L Zhao, Y Li, R Zou, B He, X Zhu, Y Liu, J Wang, Y Zhu
Environmental Pollution 177, 13-21, 2013
Imbalance of global nutrient cycles exacerbated by the greater retention of phosphorus over nitrogen in lakes
Z Wu, J Li, Y Sun, J Peñuelas, J Huang, J Sardans, Q Jiang, JC Finlay, ...
Nature Geoscience 15 (6), 464-468, 2022
Three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model for TMDL development of Lake Fuxian, China
L Zhao, X Zhang, Y Liu, B He, X Zhu, R Zou, Y Zhu
Journal of Environmental Sciences 24 (8), 1355-1363, 2012
Exploring the influence of lake water chemistry on chlorophyll a: A multivariate statistical model analysis
Y Liu, H Guo, P Yang
Ecological modelling 221 (4), 681-688, 2010
Quinolones antibiotics in the Baiyangdian Lake, China: Occurrence, distribution, predicted no-effect concentrations (PNECs) and ecological risks by three methods
L Zhang, L Shen, S Qin, J Cui, Y Liu
Environmental Pollution 256, 113458, 2020
Analysis of cyanobacteria bloom in the Waihai part of Dianchi Lake, China
H Sheng, H Liu, C Wang, H Guo, Y Liu, Y Yang
Ecological Informatics 10, 37-48, 2012
An optimization method based on scenario analysis for watershed management under uncertainty
Y Liu, H Guo, Z Zhang, L Wang, Y Dai, Y Fan
Environmental Management 39 (5), 678-690, 2007
Bacterioplankton communities in a high-altitude freshwater wetland
J Zhang, X Zhang, Y Liu, S Xie, Y Liu
Annals of Microbiology 64 (3), 1405-1411, 2014
Aerobic and nitrite-dependent methane-oxidizing microorganisms in sediments of freshwater lakes on the Yunnan Plateau
Y Liu, J Zhang, L Zhao, Y Li, Y Yang, S Xie
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 99 (5), 2371-2381, 2015
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