Abraham Stefanidis
Abraham Stefanidis
Professor, The Peter J. Tobin College of Business, St. John's University
Підтверджена електронна адреса в stjohns.edu - Домашня сторінка
An artificial intelligence algorithmic approach to ethical decision-making in human resource management processes
W Rodgers, JM Murray, A Stefanidis, WY Degbey, SY Tarba
Human Resource Management Review 33 (1), 100925, 2023
Contextual antecedents of co-teaching efficacy: Their influence on students with disabilities' learning progress, social participation and behaviour improvement
V Strogilos, A Stefanidis
Teaching and Teacher Education 47, 218-229, 2015
Co-teachers’ attitudes towards planning and instructional activities for students with disabilities
V Strogilos, A Stefanidis, E Tragoulia
European Journal of Special Needs Education 31 (3), 344-359, 2016
Achievement of learners receiving UDL instruction: A meta-analysis
ME King-Sears, A Stefanidis, AS Evmenova, K Rao, RL Mergen, LS Owen, ...
Teaching and Teacher Education 122, 103956, 2023
Does co-teaching improve academic achievement for students with disabilities? A meta-analysis
ME King-Sears, A Stefanidis, S Berkeley, V Strogilos
Educational Research Review 34, 100405, 2021
Rethinking corporate governance in the digital economy: The role of stewardship
LM Sama, A Stefanidis, RM Casselman
Business Horizons 65 (5), 535-546, 2022
Union gives strength: mainstream and special education teachers’ responsibilities in inclusive co-taught classrooms
A Stefanidis, V Strogilos
Educational Studies 41 (4), 393-413, 2015
Benefits for coteachers of students with disabilities: Do contextual factors matter?
A Stefanidis, ME King‐Sears, A Brawand
Psychology in the Schools 56 (4), 539-553, 2019
Perceived organizational support and work engagement of employees with children with disabilities
A Stefanidis, V Strogilos
Personnel Review 50 (1), 186-206, 2020
Differential social performance of religiously-affiliated microfinance institutions (MFIs) in base of pyramid (BoP) markets
RM Casselman, LM Sama, A Stefanidis
Journal of Business Ethics 132, 539-552, 2015
A meta-synthesis of co-teaching students with and without disabilities
V Strogilos, ME King-Sears, E Tragoulia, A Voulagka, A Stefanidis
Educational Research Review 38, 100504, 2023
Attitudes Toward Ethically Questionable Negotiation Tactics: A Two-Country Study
M Banai, A Stefanidis, A Shetach, MF Özbek
Journal of Business Ethics 123 (4), 669-685, 2014
A heart failure themed escape room approach to enhance pharmacy student learning
R Plakogiannis, A Stefanidis, N Hernandez, A Nogid
Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning 12 (8), 940-944, 2020
Barriers to the implementation of specialized reading instruction in secondary co-taught classrooms: an exploratory study
ME King-Sears, A Stefanidis, A Brawand
Teachers and Teaching 25 (4), 434-452, 2019
Work engagement of employees who are parents of children with disabilities: empirical evidence from Singapore and the United Kingdom
A Stefanidis, V Strogilos, N Kyriakidou
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (10), 1943-1975, 2022
Employee attitudes toward questionable negotiation tactics: Empirical evidence from Peru
A Stefanidis, M Banai, UH Richter
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (4), 826-852, 2013
Socio-cultural capital in the Arab workplace: Wasta as a moderator of ethical idealism and work engagement
A Stefanidis, M Banai, GK Dagher
Employee Relations: The International Journal 45 (1), 21-44, 2022
Business ethics for a global society: Howard Bowen’s legacy and the foundations of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals
LM Sama, A Stefanidis, S Horak
International Studies of Management & Organization 50 (3), 201-208, 2020
Impact of Pharmacy Student–Driven Postdischarge Telephone Calls on Heart Failure Hospital Readmission Rates: A Pilot Program
R Plakogiannis, A Mola, S Sinha, A Stefanidis, H Oh, S Katz
Hospital Pharmacy 54 (2), 100-104, 2019
Ethno‐cultural considerations in negotiation: pretense, deception and lies in the Greek workplace
A Stefanidis, M Banai
Business Ethics: A European Review 23 (2), 197-217, 2014
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