James Doonan
James Doonan
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ign.ku.dk
Microbiome and infectivity studies reveal complex polyspecies tree disease in Acute Oak Decline
S Denman, J Doonan, E Ransom-Jones, M Broberg, S Plummer, S Kirk, ...
The ISME journal 12 (2), 386-399, 2018
Integrated multi-omic analysis of host-microbiota interactions in acute oak decline
M Broberg, J Doonan, F Mundt, S Denman, JE McDonald
Microbiome 6, 1-15, 2018
Lignocellulose-degrading microbial communities in landfill sites represent a repository of unexplored biomass-degrading diversity
E Ransom-Jones, AJ McCarthy, S Haldenby, J Doonan, JE McDonald
Msphere 2 (4), 10.1128/msphere. 00300-17, 2017
Genomic analysis of bacteria in the Acute Oak Decline pathobiome
J Doonan, S Denman, JA Pachebat, JE McDonald
Microbial genomics 5 (1), e000240, 2019
Host–microbiota–insect interactions drive emergent virulence in a complex tree disease
JM Doonan, M Broberg, S Denman, JE McDonald
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 287 (1933), 20200956, 2020
Survival of Brenneria goodwinii and Gibbsiella quercinecans, associated with acute oak decline, in rainwater and forest soil
BJ Pettifor, J Doonan, S Denman, JE McDonald
Systematic and applied microbiology 43 (2), 126052, 2020
Brenneria goodwinii growth in vitro is improved by competitive interactions with other bacterial species associated with acute oak decline
C Brady, M Orsi, JM Doonan, S Denman, D Arnold
Current Research in Microbial Sciences 3, 100102, 2022
Extensive local-scale gene flow and long-term population stability in the intertidal mollusc Katharina tunicata (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
J Doonan, GE Beatty, JD Sigwart, J Provan
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 106 (3), 589-597, 2012
Shotgun Metagenomic Sequencing Analysis of Soft-Rot Enterobacteriaceae in Polymicrobial Communities
J Doonan, S Denman, JE McDonald, PN Golyshin
Metagenomics: methods and protocols, 85-97, 2017
Gibbsiella quercinecans as new pathogen involved in bacterial canker of Russian olive
E Basavand, P Khodaygan, JM Doonan, H Rahimian
3 Biotech 11 (6), 286, 2021
Multiple, Single Trait GWAS and Supervised Machine Learning Reveal the Genetic Architecture of Fraxinus excelsior Tolerance to Ash Dieback in Europe
JM Doonan, KB Budde, C Kosawang, A Lobo, R Verbylaite, JC Brealey, ...
Plant, Cell & Environment, 2025
Factors that shape the host microbiome
M Sze, J Doonan, JE McDonald, RN Harris, M Dewar
Microbiomes of soils, plants and animals, 55-57, 2020
The intergenic transcribed spacer region 1 as a molecular marker for identification and discrimination of Enterobacteriaceae associated with acute oak decline
J Doonan, S Denman, C Gertler, JA Pachebat, PN Golyshin, JE McDonald
Journal of Applied Microbiology 118 (1), 193-201, 2015
First report of bacterial canker of fig trees caused by Brenneria nigrifluens
E Basavand, P Khodaygan, H Rahimian, JM Doonan, A Pakdin‐Parizi
Journal of Phytopathology 169 (7-8), 429-437, 2021
Genomic analysis of bacterial species associated with acute oak decline
J Doonan
PQDT-UK & Ireland, 2016
Integrated multi-omic analysis of host-microbiota interactions in acute oak decline. Microbiome. 2018; 6: 21
M Broberg, J Doonan, F Mundt, S Denman, JE McDonald
Chemical cues from beetle larvae trigger proliferation and putative virulence gene expression of a plant pathogen
MC Cambon, G Thomas, J Caulfield, M Crampton, K Reed, JM Doonan, ...
BioRxiv, 2023.11. 21.568124, 2023
Host microbiomes and disease
JE McDonald, RN Harris, J Doonan, S Carryl, M Sze, V McKenzie, ...
Microbiomes of soils, plants and animals: an integrated approach, 122-153, 2020
Transcriptome profiling of Fraxinus excelsior genotypes infested by emerald ash borer
JM Doonan, C Kosawang, M Eisenring, T Ladd, AD Roe, KB Budde, ...
Scientific Data 10 (1), 680, 2023
Limitations to fungal diversity in forest soil during secondary succession
JM Doonan
Ecography, e07473, 2024
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