K. Asli Basoglu
K. Asli Basoglu
Підтверджена електронна адреса в udel.edu
Reliability generalization of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and behavioral intentions
TJ Hess, AL McNab, KA Basoglu
MIS quarterly 38 (1), 1-28, 2014
The ChatGPT artificial intelligence chatbot: How well does it answer accounting assessment questions?
DA Wood, MP Achhpilia, MT Adams, S Aghazadeh, K Akinyele, M Akpan, ...
Issues in Accounting Education 38 (4), 81-108, 2023
Where did they go right? Understanding the deception in phishing communications
R Wright, S Chakraborty, A Basoglu, K Marett
Group Decision and Negotiation 19, 391-416, 2010
A systematic review of social networks research in information systems: Building a foundation for exciting future research
J Cao, KA Basoglu, H Sheng, PB Lowry
Association for Information Systems 36, 727, 2015
Online business reporting: A signaling theory perspective
KA Basoglu, TJ Hess
Journal of Information systems 28 (2), 67-101, 2014
Investigating the effects of computer mediated interruptions: An analysis of task characteristics and interruption frequency on financial performance
KA Basoglu, MA Fuller, JT Sweeney
International journal of accounting information systems 10 (4), 177-189, 2009
Soon or later? The effect of temporal distance on travel decisions
KA Basoglu, JJE Yoo
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 32 (sup1), S62-S75, 2015
The impact of task interruption on tax accountants' professional judgment
JH Long, KA Basoglu
Accounting, Organizations and Society 55, 96-113, 2016
Inline XBRL versus XBRL for SEC reporting
KA Basoglu, CE White
Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 12 (1), 189-199, 2015
Evolution of cognitive trust in distributed software development teams: a punctuated equilibrium model
AL McNab, KA Basoglu, S Sarker, Y Yu
Electronic Markets 22, 21-36, 2012
The influences of public and institutional pressure on firms’ cybersecurity disclosures
J D'Arcy, A Basoglu
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 23 (3), 779-805, 2022
Technology mediated interruptions: The effects of task and interruption characteristics on decision-making
A Basoglu, M Fuller
Enhancement of recall within technology-mediated teams through the use of online visual artifacts
KA Basoglu, MA Fuller, JS Valacich
ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems (TMIS) 3 (1), 1-22, 2012
IFRS, US GAAP, and XBRL financial statements: an introduction and case study
KA Basoglu, CT Edmonds, CE White Jr
AIS Educator Journal 7 (1), 75-79, 2012
Technology mediated interruptions: Attention analysis and impact on task performance
A Basoglu
Buy, Sell, or… Hold That Thought: The Impact of Task Interruption on Investor Decision-Making
KA Basoglu, JH Long
Behavioral Research in Accounting 35 (2), 13-36, 2023
Workflow and Performance Under Computer Mediated Interruptions
KA Basoglu, MA Fuller
Open materials discourse: Enhancement of recall within technology-mediated teams through the use of online visual artifacts
A Basoglu, M Fuller, J Valacich
AIS Transactions on Replication Research 4 (1), 11, 2018
Taking a tiny step back: The impact of planning on a bumpy goal pursuit
J Bayuk, KA Basoglu
Journal of Consumer Behaviour 24 (1), 92-108, 2025
IT innovations, service equity and brand innovativeness: an analysis and comparison of service industries
GG Ucar, S Koch, G Asugman, A Basoglu
International Journal of Research, Innovation and Commercialisation 5 (2 …, 2024
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