jianhong ye
jianhong ye
Підтверджена електронна адреса в tongji.edu.cn
A study on users' willingness to accept mobility as a service based on UTAUT model
J Ye, J Zheng, F Yi
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 157, 120066, 2020
Walking behavior and pedestrian flow characteristics for different types of walking facilities
J Ye, X Chen, C Yang, J Wu
Transportation Research Record 2048 (1), 43-51, 2008
Impact analysis of human factors on pedestrian traffic characteristics
J Ye, X Chen, N Jian
Fire safety journal 52, 46-54, 2012
Relationships and characteristics of pedestrian traffic flow in confined passageways
X Chen, J Ye, N Jian
Transportation research record 2198 (1), 32-40, 2010
Hsa_circ_0026416 promotes proliferation and migration in colorectal cancer via miR-346/NFIB axis
Y Liang, J Shi, Q He, G Sun, L Gao, J Ye, X Tang, H Qu
Cancer cell international 20, 1-15, 2020
Circular noncoding RNA circMBOAT2 is a novel tumor marker and regulates proliferation/migration by sponging miR-519d-3p in colorectal cancer
X Tang, G Sun, Q He, C Wang, J Shi, L Gao, J Ye, Y Liang, H Qu
Cell death & disease 11 (8), 625, 2020
Locating Station of One‐Way Carsharing Based on Spatial Demand Characteristics
X Chen, J Cheng, J Ye, Y Jin, X Li, F Zhang
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2018 (1), 5493632, 2018
Assessing one-way carsharing’s impacts on vehicle ownership: Evidence from Shanghai with an international comparison
J Ye, D Wang, X Li, KW Axhausen, Y Jin
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 150, 16-32, 2021
What kind of people use carsharing for commuting? Case study in Shanghai
J Ye, D Wang, H Zhang, H Yang
Transportation research record 2673 (5), 770-778, 2019
Evaluating urban bus emission characteristics based on localized MOVES using sparse GPS data in Shanghai, China
X Shan, X Chen, W Jia, J Ye
Sustainability 11 (10), 2936, 2019
Evaluating the effects of traffic congestion and passenger load on feeder bus fuel and emissions compared with passenger car
X Chen, X Shan, J Ye, F Yi, Y Wang
Transportation research procedia 25, 616-626, 2017
Normalized volume measurement for nonmotorized traffic flow mixed with mopeds
X Chen, H Han, J Ye, S Ma, Y Xu
Transportation research record 2239 (1), 9-15, 2011
Transportation characteristics change under rapid urban expansion: A case study of Shanghai
Y Li, J Ye, X Chen, M A Abdel-Aty PE, M Cen
Chinese Geographical Science 20, 554-561, 2010
Flow-based unit is better: exploring factors affecting mid-term OD demand of station-based one-way electric carsharing
J Cheng, X Chen, J Ye, X Shan
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 98, 102954, 2021
Primary gastric squamous cell carcinoma presenting as a large submucosal mass: a case report and literature review
L Gao, X Tang, H Qu, Q He, G Sun, J Shi, J Ye, Y Liang
Medicine 99 (36), e22125, 2020
Competition or cooperation: Relationship between carsharing and other travel modes
J Ye, D Wang, Y Jia, H Zhang
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 16 (7), 610-626, 2022
Post-therapy pathologic tumor volume predicts survival in gastric cancer patients who underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and gastrectomy
X Tang, Q He, H Qu, G Sun, J Liu, L Gao, J Shi, J Ye, Y Liang
BMC cancer 19, 1-8, 2019
Capacity analysis of magnetic card and contactless IC card automatic fare gate in railway stations
J Wu, J Feng, J Ye
Journal of Tongji University 38 (1), 85-91, 2010
Proposing a revised pedestrian walkway level of service based on characteristics of pedestrian interactive behaviours in China
X Shan, J Ye, X Chen
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 28 (6), 583-591, 2016
A Systematic Review of the Coopetition Relationship between Bike‐Sharing and Public Transit
J Ye, J Bai, WY Hao
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2024 (1), 6681895, 2024
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