Muhammad Iqmal Hisham Kamaruddin
Muhammad Iqmal Hisham Kamaruddin
Faculty of Economics and Muamalat, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
Підтверджена електронна адреса в usim.edu.my
An Empirical Investigation on Waqf Governance Practices in Waqf Institutions in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin, MM Hanefah
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 19 (3), 455-473, 2021
Graduate Employability Post-COVID-19: The Case of a Malaysian Public University
MIH Kamaruddin, A Ahmad, MA Husain, SN Abd Hamid
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 11 (3), 710-724, 2021
Internal Control, Risk and Sharīʿah Non-Compliant Income in Islamic Financial Institutions
MM Hanefah, MIH Kamaruddin, S Salleh, Z Shafii, N Zakaria
ISRA International Journal of Islamic Finance 12 (3), 401-417, 2020
Measuring ‘Islamic Accountability’ in Islamic Social Enterprise (ISE)
MIH Kamaruddin, SM Auzair
International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management …, 2020
Shariah Screening Methodology: Does It ‘Really’ Shariah Compliance?
AMA Ayedh, A Shaharuddin, MIH Kamaruddin
Iqtishadia 12 (2), 144-172, 2019
Waqf Management Practices: Case Study in a Malaysian Waqf Institution
MIH Kamaruddin, R Masruki, MM Hanfah
World Journal of Social Sciences 8 (3), 1-12, 2018
The Impacts of Internal Control Practices on Financial Accountability in Islamic Non-Profit Organizations in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin, NM Ramli
International Journal of Economics, Management and Accounting 26 (2), 365-391, 2018
Governance and Shariah Audit in Islamic Financial Institutions
MM Hanefah, Z Shafii, S Salleh, N Zakaria, MIH Kamaruddin
USIM Press, 2020
The Mediating Role of Financial Governance on the Relationship between Financial Management, Islamic Work Ethic and Accountability in Islamic Social Enterprise (ISE)
MIH Kamaruddin, SM Auzair, MM Rahmat, NA Muhamed
Social Enterprise Journal 17 (3), 419-441, 2021
Positioning Islamic Social Enterprise (ISE)
NA Mohamed, MIH Kamaruddin, NS Mohamed Nasrudin
Journal of Emerging Economies and Islamic Research 6 (3), 28-38, 2018
Challenges and Prospects in Waqf Reporting Practices in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin, MM Hanefah, R Masruki
Journal of Financial Reporting and Accounting 22 (3), 752-765, 2024
Enhancing Shariah Audit Practices in Islamic Financial Institutions in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin, MM Hanefah
Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 13 (11), 457-470, 2017
Comparative Analysis on Shariah Governance in Malaysia: SGF 2010, IFSA 2013 and SGPD 2019
MIH Kamaruddin, MM Hanefah, Z Shafii, S Salleh, N Zakaria
Journal of Public Administration and Governance 10 (1), 110-131, 2020
A Case Study on Waqf Reporting Practices for Governance, Performance and Socio-Economic Impact in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin
International Journal of Management, Accounting and Economics 5 (9), 693-714, 2018
Enhancing Financial Accountability of Islamic Philanthropic Organizations Through Financial Disclosure
MIH Kamaruddin, NM Ramli
Online Journal of Research in Islamic Studies 2 (2), 29-42, 2015
Integrated Islamic Financial Accountability Model for Islamic Social Enterprise (ISE)
MIH Kamaruddin, S MdAuzair
The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research 16 (1), 17-36, 2019
A Case Study of Internal Control Practices in Islamic Non-Profit Organizations in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin, NM Ramli
Asian Journal of Accounting & Governance 8 (1), 13-25, 2017
Challenging the Current Shariah Screening Methodology Assessments in Kuala Lumpur Shariah Index (KLSI)
AMA Ayedh, MIH Kamaruddin, A Shaharuddin
International Journal of Academic Research in Accounting, Finance and …, 2019
Classification of Islamic Social Enterprises (ISE) in Malaysia Based on Economic Sectors
MIH Kamaruddin, SM Auzair
Management & Accounting Review 17 (2), 17-42, 2018
Exploring Shariah Audit Practices in Zakat and Waqf Institutions in Malaysia
MIH Kamaruddin, Z Shafii, MM Hanefah, S Salleh, N Zakaria
Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 15 (3), 402-421, 2024
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