Dr. Alan K. Kelly
Dr. Alan K. Kelly
Lecturer in Animal Science, University College Dublin
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ucd.ie
Effect of divergence in residual feed intake on feeding behavior, blood metabolic variables, and body composition traits in growing beef heifers
AK Kelly, M McGee, DH Crews Jr, AG Fahey, AR Wylie, DA Kenny
Journal of animal science 88 (1), 109-123, 2010
Repeatability of feed efficiency, carcass ultrasound, feeding behavior, and blood metabolic variables in finishing heifers divergently selected for residual feed intake
AK Kelly, M McGee, DH Crews Jr, T Sweeney, TM Boland, DA Kenny
Journal of animal science 88 (10), 3214-3225, 2010
Influence of bull age, ejaculate number, and season of collection on semen production and sperm motility parameters in Holstein Friesian bulls in a commercial artificial …
EM Murphy, AK Kelly, C O’Meara, B Eivers, P Lonergan, S Fair
Journal of animal science 96 (6), 2408-2418, 2018
Amino acids in the uterine luminal fluid reflects the temporal changes in transporter expression in the endometrium and conceptus during early pregnancy in cattle
N Forde, CA Simintiras, R Sturmey, S Mamo, AK Kelly, TE Spencer, ...
PloS one 9 (6), e100010, 2014
Evidence for an early endometrial response to pregnancy in cattle: both dependent upon and independent of interferon tau
N Forde, GB Duffy, PA McGettigan, JA Browne, JP Mehta, AK Kelly, ...
Physiological genomics 44 (16), 799-810, 2012
Effects of human chorionic gonadotrophin administration on day 5 after oestrus on corpus luteum characteristics, circulating progesterone and conceptus elongation in cattle
D Rizos, S Scully, AK Kelly, AD Ealy, R Moros, P Duffy, A Al Naib, N Forde, ...
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 24 (3), 472-481, 2012
Influence of lactation on metabolic characteristics and embryo development in postpartum Holstein dairy cows
V Maillo, D Rizos, U Besenfelder, V Havlicek, AK Kelly, M Garrett, ...
Journal of Dairy Science 95 (7), 3865-3876, 2012
Paradoxical effect of supplementary progesterone between Day 3 and Day 7 on corpus luteum function and conceptus development in cattle
L O’hara, N Forde, F Carter, D Rizos, V Maillo, AD Ealy, AK Kelly, ...
Reproduction, Fertility and Development 26 (2), 328-336, 2014
The effect of body condition score at calving and supplementation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on milk production, metabolic status, and rumen fermentation of dairy cows in …
RM Al Ibrahim, AK Kelly, L O’Grady, VP Gath, C McCarney, FJ Mulligan
Journal of dairy science 93 (11), 5318-5328, 2010
Effect of divergence in phenotypic residual feed intake on methane emissions, ruminal fermentation, and apparent whole-tract digestibility of beef heifers across three …
RP McDonnell, KJ Hart, TM Boland, AK Kelly, M McGee, DA Kenny
Journal of Animal Science 94 (3), 1179-1193, 2016
mRNA expression of genes regulating oxidative phosphorylation in the muscle of beef cattle divergently ranked on residual feed intake
AK Kelly, SM Waters, M McGee, RG Fonseca, C Carberry, DA Kenny
Physiological Genomics 43 (1), 12-23, 2011
Effect of bovine blastocyst size at embryo transfer on day 7 on conceptus length on day 14: Can supplementary progesterone rescue small embryos?
L O'Hara, N Forde, AK Kelly, P Lonergan
Theriogenology 81 (8), 1123-1128, 2014
Vitamin D–enhanced eggs are protective of wintertime serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D in a randomized controlled trial of adults
A Hayes, S Duffy, M O’Grady, J Jakobsen, K Galvin, J Teahan-Dillon, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 104 (3), 629-637, 2016
The effect of divergence in feed efficiency on the intestinal microbiota and the intestinal immune response in both unchallenged and lipopolysaccharide challenged ileal and …
S Vigors, JV O’Doherty, AK Kelly, CJ O’Shea, T Sweeney
PloS one 11 (2), e0148145, 2016
Feed restriction and subsequent realimentation in Holstein Friesian bulls: I. Effect on animal performance; muscle, fat, and linear body measurements; and slaughter characteristics
K Keogh, SM Waters, AK Kelly, DA Kenny
Journal of animal science 93 (7), 3578-3589, 2015
16S rRNA sequencing reveals relationship between potent cellulolytic genera and feed efficiency in the rumen of bulls
E McGovern, DA Kenny, MS McCabe, C Fitzsimons, M McGee, AK Kelly, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 1842, 2018
The use of synthetic and natural vitamin D sources in pig diets to improve meat quality and vitamin D content
SK Duffy, AK Kelly, G Rajauria, J Jakobsen, LC Clarke, FJ Monahan, ...
Meat science 143, 60-68, 2018
Relationship between body measurements, metabolic hormones, metabolites and residual feed intake in performancetested pedigree beef bulls
AK Kelly, M McGee, DH Crews Jr, CO Lynch, AR Wylie, RD Evans, ...
Livestock Science 135 (1), 8-16, 2011
Pigs that are divergent in feed efficiency, differ in intestinal enzyme and nutrient transporter gene expression, nutrient digestibility and microbial activity
S Vigors, T Sweeney, CJ O’shea, AK Kelly, JV O’doherty
Animal 10 (11), 1848-1855, 2016
Effect of a butyrate-fortified milk replacer on gastrointestinal microbiota and products of fermentation in artificially reared dairy calves at weaning
E O’Hara, A Kelly, MS McCabe, DA Kenny, LL Guan, SM Waters
Scientific reports 8 (1), 14901, 2018
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