Selene Gallo
Selene Gallo
Amsterdam Medical Center
Підтверджена електронна адреса в nin.knaw.nl
Classifying autism spectrum disorder using the temporal statistics of resting-state functional MRI data with 3D convolutional neural networks
RM Thomas, S Gallo, L Cerliani, P Zhutovsky, A El-Gazzar, G Van Wingen
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 440, 2020
The causal role of the somatosensory cortex in prosocial behaviour
S Gallo, R Paracampo, L Mueller-Pinzler, MC Severo, L Blömer, ...
elife 7, e32740, 2018
Functional connectivity signatures of major depressive disorder: machine learning analysis of two multicenter neuroimaging studies
S Gallo, A El-Gazzar, P Zhutovsky, RM Thomas, N Javaheripour, M Li, ...
Molecular Psychiatry 28 (7), 3013-3022, 2023
Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia by increasing somatosensory cortical excitability
N Bolognini, C Miniussi, S Gallo, G Vallar
Current Biology 23 (10), R436-R437, 2013
Intracranial human recordings reveal association between neural activity and perceived intensity for the pain of others in the insula
E Soyman, R Bruls, K Ioumpa, L Müller-Pinzler, S Gallo, C Qin, ...
Elife 11, e75197, 2022
Neuro-computational mechanisms and individual biases in action-outcome learning under moral conflict
L Fornari, K Ioumpa, AD Nostro, NJ Evans, L De Angelis, SPH Speer, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1218, 2023
Intracortical human recordings reveal intensity coding for the pain of others in the insula
E Soyman, R Bruls, K Ioumpa, L Müller-Pinzler, S Gallo, ...
bioRxiv, 2021.06. 23.449371, 2021
Neural mechanisms of costly helping in the general population and mirror-pain synesthetes
K Ioumpa, S Gallo, C Keysers, V Gazzola
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 11617, 2024
Neuro-computational mechanisms of action-outcome learning under moral conflict
L Fornari, K Ioumpa, AD Nostro, NJ Evans, L De Angelis, R Paracampo, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.06. 10.143891, 2020
Commentary: decoding the charitable brain: empathy, perspective taking, and attention shifts differentially predict altruistic giving
V Era, M Fusaro, S Gallo
Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 11, 110, 2017
Bayesian statistics show a lack of change in excitability following bi-hemispheric HD-TDCS over the primary somatosensory cortices
S Gallo, JB Thijs, J Suttrup, C Fernandes-Henriques, R Paracampo, ...
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in …, 2020
Stimulation of the somatosensory cortex using HD-tDCS modulates others' pain perception; Combined evidence from behaviour, EEG, fMRI data
S Gallo, T Maskaljunas, B Lammes, C Henriques, J Suttrup, C Keysers, ...
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in …, 2017
Individual respond to stimulation does matter: Combining bi-hemispheric hd tdcs and sep in empathy for pain
S Gallo, B Lammes, C Keysers, V Gazzola
Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in …, 2015
Intracranial Human Recordings Reveal Intensity Coding for the Pain of Others in the Insula
MW Self, JCB Gazzola, S Idema, S Gallo, JK Possel, K Ioumpa, Y Onuki, ...
(No Title), 2021
The feeling of vision: Induction of mirror-touch synaesthesia by increasing of somatosensory cortical excitability
N Bolognini, C Miniussi, G Vallar, S Gallo
Multisensory Research 26 (1-2), 119-120, 2013
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