Alice S. N. Kim
Alice S. N. Kim
Teaching and Learning Research In Action
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The common neural basis of autobiographical memory, prospection, navigation, theory of mind, and the default mode: a quantitative meta-analysis
RN Spreng, RA Mar, ASN Kim
Journal of cognitive neuroscience 21 (3), 489-510, 2009
Event-related fMRI studies of episodic encoding and retrieval: meta-analyses using activation likelihood estimation
J Spaniol, PSR Davidson, ASN Kim, H Han, M Moscovitch, CL Grady
Neuropsychologia 47 (8-9), 1765-1779, 2009
Consciousness of subjective time in the brain
L Nyberg, ASN Kim, R Habib, B Levine, E Tulving
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (51), 22356-22359, 2010
Does lateral parietal cortex support episodic memory?: Evidence from focal lesion patients
PSR Davidson, D Anaki, E Ciaramelli, M Cohn, ASN Kim, KJ Murphy, ...
Neuropsychologia 46 (7), 1743-1755, 2008
Cognitive association formation in episodic memory: Evidence from event-related potentials
ASN Kim, A Vallesi, TW Picton, E Tulving
Neuropsychologia 47 (14), 3162-3173, 2009
22 Enhancing the Quality of Student Learning Using Distributed Practice
M Wiseheart, CE Küpper-Tetzel, T Weston, ASN Kim, IV Kapler, ...
Understanding the impact of attendance and participation on academic achievement.
ASN Kim, S Shakory, A Azad, C Popovic, L Park
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 6 (4), 272, 2020
The spacing effect stands up to big data
ASN Kim, AMB Wong-Kee-You, M Wiseheart, RS Rosenbaum
Behavior Research Methods 51, 1485-1497, 2019
On nurturing the emergent SoTL researcher: Responding to challenges and opportunities
ASN Kim, C Popovic, L Farrugia, SAF Saleh, G Maheux-Pelletier, ...
International Journal for Academic Development 26 (2), 163-175, 2021
The medium and the message of mental time travel
E Tulving, A Kim
Behavioral and brain sciences 30 (3), 334-335, 2007
Episodic and semantic memory
RS Rosenbaum, ASN Kim, S Baker
Academic Press, 2017
Early, but not intermediate, evaluative feedback predicts cumulative exam scores in large lecture-style post-secondary education classrooms.
ASN Kim, S Shakory
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 3 (2), 141, 2017
Neuroelectric evidence for cognitive association formation: an event-related potential investigation
ASN Kim, MA Binns, C Alain
PloS one 7 (4), e34856, 2012
Investigating teaching and learning during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic.
ASN Kim, SA Khan, A Carolli, L Park
Scholarship of teaching and learning in psychology, 2021
Ameliorating episodic memory deficits in a young adult with developmental (congenital) amnesia
ASN Kim, FM Saberi, M Wiseheart, RS Rosenbaum
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 24 (9), 1003-1012, 2018
Homework, in-class assignments, and midterm exams: Investigating the predictive utility of formative and summative assessments for academic success
ASN Kim, CR Stevenson, L Park
Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2 (1), 92-102, 2022
Turning the tables: Involving undergrads as researchers in SoTL
C Popovic, A Kim, S Saleh, L Farrugia
Imagining SoTL 1, 99-115, 2021
Specifying the neural basis of the spacing effect with multivariate ERP
ASN Kim, M Wiseheart, AMB Wong-Kee-You, BT Le, S Moreno, ...
Neuropsychologia 146, 107550, 2020
Participation is predictive of individual, but not group, work in the context of a blended general education course
ASN Kim, BC Nairn, C Popovic, L Carozza, EC Balidio
The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 11 (3), 2020
Involving Students as Partners in a Course Redesign
ASN Kim, B Jennings, E Tolomei, C Schiafone, L Dafoe
Imagining SoTl 2 (2), 36-51, 2022
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