Mauricio Toro - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7280-8231
Mauricio Toro - https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7280-8231
Full Professor at Universidad EAFIT
Підтверджена електронна адреса в eafit.edu.co - Домашня сторінка
A systematic literature review on the use of machine learning in precision livestock farming
R García, J Aguilar, M Toro, A Pinto, P Rodríguez
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 179, 105826, 2020
A method for detecting coffee leaf rust through wireless sensor networks, remote sensing, and deep learning: Case study of the Caturra variety in Colombia
D Velásquez, A Sánchez, S Sarmiento, M Toro, M Maiza, B Sierra
Applied Sciences 10 (2), 697, 2020
Dengue models based on machine learning techniques: A systematic literature review
W Hoyos, J Aguilar, M Toro
Artificial intelligence in medicine 119, 102157, 2021
Artificial-intelligence and sensing techniques for the management of insect pests and diseases in cotton: a systematic literature review
R Toscano-Miranda, M Toro, J Aguilar, M Caro, A Marulanda, A Trebilcok
The Journal of Agricultural Science 160 (1-2), 16-31, 2022
Formal semantics for interactive music scores: a framework to design, specify properties and execute interactive scenarios
M Toro, M Desainte-Catherine, C Rueda
Journal of Mathematics and Music 8 (1), 93-112, 2014
Simulation and Verification in a Process Calculus for Spatially-Explicit Ecological Models.
A Philippou, M Toro, M Antonaki
Scientific Annals of Computer Science 23 (1), 2013
A clinical decision-support system for dengue based on fuzzy cognitive maps
W Hoyos, J Aguilar, M Toro
Health care management science 25 (4), 666-681, 2022
NTCCRT: A concurrent constraint framework for music interaction
M Toro, C Rueda, C Agón, G Assayag
Proceedings of the ICMC 2009, 2009
Process ordering in a process calculus for spatially-explicit ecological models
A Philippou, M Toro
International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods, 345-361, 2013
Concurrent constraints models of music interaction
M Toro, C Rueda, F Valencia, G Sarria, C Olarte
Constraint Programming in Music, 133, 2011
Modeling Temporal Constraints for a System of Interactive Scores
A Allombert, M Desainte-Catherine, M Toro
Constraint Programming in Music, 1-24, 2011
Synchronous parallel composition in a process calculus for ecological models
M Toro, A Philippou, C Kassara, S Sfenthourakis
International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, 424-441, 2014
Probabilistic Extension to the Concurrent Constraint Factor Oracle Model for Music Improvisation
M Toro
Iberoamerican Journal of Artificial Intelligence 19 (57), 37 - 73, 2016
A hybrid machine-learning ensemble for anomaly detection in real-time industry 4.0 systems
D Velásquez, E Pérez, X Oregui, A Artetxe, J Manteca, JE Mansilla, ...
IEEE Access 10, 72024-72036, 2022
Structured Interactive Scores: From a simple structural description of a multimedia scenario to a real-time capable implementation with formal semantics
M Toro
PhD thesis, Univeristé de Bordeaux 1, France, 2012
An overview of FORCES: an INRIA project on declarative formalisms for emergent systems
J Aranda, G Assayag, C Olarte, JA Pérez, C Rueda, M Toro, FD Valencia
International Conference on Logic Programming, 509-513, 2009
Mean-Field Semantics for a Process Calculus for Spatially-Explicit Ecological Models
M Toro, A Phillippou, S Arboleda, M Puerta, CM Vélez S.
Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science 204, 79-94, 2016
Structured interactive musical scores
M Toro-Bermudez
Technical Communications of the 26th International Conference on Logic …, 2010
Federated learning approaches for fuzzy cognitive maps to support clinical decision-making in dengue
W Hoyos, J Aguilar, M Toro
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 123, 106371, 2023
Robust three-step regression based on comedian and its performance in cell-wise and case-wise outliers
H Velasco, H Laniado, M Toro, V Leiva, Y Lio
Mathematics 8 (8), 1259, 2020
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