Robert Ogie
Robert Ogie
Smart Infrastructure Facility, University of Wollongong
Підтверджена електронна адреса в uow.edu.au - Домашня сторінка
Crowdsourced social media data for disaster management: Lessons from the PetaJakarta. org project
RI Ogie, RJ Clarke, H Forehead, P Perez
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 73, 108-117, 2019
Computer vision and IoT-based sensors in flood monitoring and mapping: A systematic review
B Arshad, R Ogie, J Barthelemy, B Pradhan, N Verstaevel, P Perez
Sensors 19 (22), 5012, 2019
Social media use in disaster recovery: A systematic literature review
RI Ogie, S James, A Moore, T Dilworth, M Amirghasemi, J Whittaker
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 70, 102783, 2022
Adopting incentive mechanisms for large-scale participation in mobile crowdsensing: from literature review to a conceptual framework
RI Ogie
Human-centric computing and information sciences 6, 1-31, 2016
Smart infrastructure: An emerging frontier for multidisciplinary research
RI Ogie, P Perez, V Dignum
Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-smart infrastructure and …, 2017
Artificial intelligence in disaster risk communication: A systematic literature review
RI Ogie, JC Rho, RJ Clarke
2018 5th International Conference on Information and Communication …, 2018
Natural hazards and social vulnerability of place: The strength-based approach applied to Wollongong, Australia
RI Ogie, B Pradhan
International journal of disaster risk science 10, 404-420, 2019
A review of structural approach to flood management in coastal megacities of developing nations: Current research and future directions
RI Ogie, C Adam, P Perez
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 63 (2), 127-147, 2020
Assessing the vulnerability of hydrological infrastructure to flood damage in coastal cities of developing nations
RI Ogie, T Holderness, S Dunn, E Turpin
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 68, 97-109, 2018
Participation patterns and reliability of human sensing in crowd-sourced disaster management
RI Ogie, H Forehead, RJ Clarke, P Perez
Information Systems Frontiers 20, 713-728, 2018
Cyber security incidents on critical infrastructure and industrial networks
RI Ogie
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer and Automation …, 2017
Bring your own device: an overview of risk assessment
R Ogie
IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine 5 (1), 114-119, 2015
Disaster risk communication in culturally and linguistically diverse communities: the role of technology
R Ogie, J Castilla Rho, RJ Clarke, A Moore
Proceedings 2 (19), 1256, 2018
Optimal placement of water-level sensors to facilitate data-driven management of hydrological infrastructure assets in coastal mega-cities of developing nations
RI Ogie, N Shukla, F Sedlar, T Holderness
Sustainable cities and society 35, 385-395, 2017
Cost–benefit analysis of virtual reality-based training for emergency rescue workers: a socio-technical systems approach
S Pedram, R Ogie, S Palmisano, M Farrelly, P Perez
Virtual Reality 25 (4), 1071-1086, 2021
Spatio-topological network analysis of hydrological infrastructure as a decision support tool for flood mitigation in coastal mega-cities
R Ogie, T Holderness, M Dunbar, E Turpin
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 44 (4), 718-739, 2017
Assessing the vulnerability of pumping stations to trash blockage in coastal mega-cities of developing nations
RI Ogie, S Dunn, T Holderness, E Turpin
Sustainable Cities and Society 28, 53-66, 2017
Disaster informatics: An overview
RI Ogie, N Verstaevel
Progress in Disaster Science 7, 100111, 2020
Collaborative translation of emergency messages (Co-TEM): An Australian case study
RI Ogie, P Perez
International journal of disaster risk reduction 50, 101920, 2020
Managing hydrological infrastructure assets for improved flood control in coastal mega-cities of developing nations
RI Ogie, P Perez, KT Win, K Michael
Urban climate 24, 763-777, 2018
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