Rossella Della Marca
Rossella Della Marca
Підтверджена електронна адреса в unina.it - Домашня сторінка
Effects of information-induced behavioural changes during the COVID-19 lockdowns: the case of Italy
B Buonomo, R Della Marca
Royal Society open science 7 (10), 201635, 2020
Optimal control of epidemic size and duration with limited resources
L Bolzoni, E Bonacini, R Della Marca, M Groppi
Mathematical Biosciences 315, 108232, 2019
Optimal bed net use for a dengue disease model with mosquito seasonal pattern
B Buonomo, R Della Marca
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 41 (2), 573-592, 2018
A behavioural modelling approach to assess the impact of COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy
B Buonomo, R Della Marca, A d'Onofrio, M Groppi
Journal of Theoretical Biology 534, 110973, 2022
Oscillations and hysteresis in an epidemic model with information-dependent imperfect vaccination
B Buonomo, R Della Marca
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 162, 97-114, 2019
An SIR-like kinetic model tracking individuals' viral load
R Della Marca, N Loy, A Tosin
Networks and Heterogeneous Media 17 (3), 467-494, 2022
Volatile opinions and optimal control of vaccine awareness campaigns: Chaotic behaviour of the forward-backward sweep algorithm vs. heuristic direct optimization
R Della Marca, A d’Onofrio
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 98, 105768, 2021
On the optimal control of SIR model with Erlang-distributed infectious period: isolation strategies
L Bolzoni, R Della Marca, M Groppi
Journal of Mathematical Biology 83 (4), 36, 2021
An SIR model with viral load-dependent transmission
R Della Marca, N Loy, A Tosin
Journal of Mathematical Biology 86 (4), 61, 2023
Optimal public health intervention in a behavioural vaccination model: the interplay between seasonality, behaviour and latency period
B Buonomo, R Della Marca, A d’Onofrio
Mathematical Medicine and Biology: a Journal of the IMA 36 (3), 297-324, 2019
Intransigent vs. volatile opinions in a kinetic epidemic model with imitation game dynamics
R Della Marca, N Loy, M Menale
Mathematical Medicine and Biology: A Journal of the IMA, 2022
Mathematical modelling of oscillating patterns for chronic autoimmune diseases
R Della Marca, MP Machado Ramos, C Ribeiro, AJ Soares
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 45 (11), 7144-7161, 2022
A behavioral change model to assess vaccination-induced relaxation of social distancing during an epidemic
B Buonomo, R Della Marca, SS Sharbayta
Journal of Biological Systems 30 (01), 1-25, 2022
A behavioural vaccination model with application to meningitis spread in Nigeria
B Buonomo, R Della Marca
Applied Mathematical Modelling 125, 334-350, 2024
Modelli epidemiologici e vaccinazioni: da Bernoulli a oggi
M Groppi, R Della Marca
Matematica, Cultura e Società - Rivista dell'Unione Matematica Italiana 3 (1 …, 2018
A geometric analysis of the impact of large but finite switching rates on vaccination evolutionary games
R Della Marca, A d’Onofrio, M Sensi, S Sottile
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 75, 103986, 2024
Dynamics of a metapopulation epidemic model with localized culling
L Bolzoni, R Della Marca, M Groppi, A Gragnani
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-B 25 (6), 2307-2330, 2020
Human-induced oscillations in a network landscape model
R Della Marca, M Groppi, AJ Soares
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 115, 106722, 2022
Information index augmented eRG to model vaccination behaviour: A case study of COVID-19 in the US
B Buonomo, A D'Alise, R Della Marca, F Sannino
arXiv preprint arXiv:2407.20711, 2024
Modelling the impact of opinion flexibility on the vaccination choices during epidemics
R Della Marca, M Menale
Ricerche di Matematica, 1-18, 2024
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