Claire Gordon
Claire Gordon
Director, LSE Eden Centre for Education Enhancement
Підтверджена електронна адреса в lse.ac.uk
Europeanization and Regionalization in the EU? s Enlargement to Central and Eastern Europe
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
Palgrave Macmillan, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2005
Conditionality and compliance in the EU's Eastward Enlargement: Regional policy and the reform of sub‐national government
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 42 (3), 523-551, 2004
Rewarding educators and education leaders in research-intensive universities
D Fung, C Gordon
Higher Education Academy, 2016
SayingMaybe'to theReturn to Europe' Elites and the Political Space for Euroscepticism in Central and Eastern Europe
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
European Union Politics 3 (3), 327-355, 2002
EU Enlargement, Europeanisation and the Dynamics of Regionalisation in the CEECs
J Hughes, G Sasse, CE Gordon
Verlag Peter Lang 1, 69-88, 2003
The regional deficit in eastward enlargement of the European Union: top down policies and bottom up reactions
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
One Europe or Several? Working Papers, 2001
The stabilization and association process in the Western Balkans: An effective instrument of post-conflict management?
C Gordon
EU conflict management, 49-64, 2013
Enlargement and regionalization: the Europeanization of local and regional governance in CEE states
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
Interlocking Dimensions of European Integration, 145-178, 2001
Measures to promote the situation of Roma EU citizens in the European Union
W Bartlett, R Benini, CE Gordon
European Parliament, 2011
EU enlargement and power asymmetries: conditionality and the Commission's role in regionalisation in Central and Eastern Europe
J Hughes, G Sasse, CE Gordon
Economic and Social Research Council (Great Britain), 2003
Academic freedom in Europe: The Central European University affair and the wider lessons
A Corbett, C Gordon
History of Education Quarterly 58 (3), 467-474, 2018
Brexit and higher education and research
A Corbett, C Gordon
The Routledge handbook of the politics of Brexit, 103-117, 2018
The ambivalence of conditionality: Europeanization and regionalization in Central and Eastern Europe
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
ECPR Joint Sessions Turin, 2002
Europeanization and Regionalization in the EU's Enlargement: The Myth of Conditionality (One Europe or Several?)
J Hughes, G Sasse, C Gordon
Palgrave MacMillan, 2005
Institutions, economic interests and the stalling of economic reform
C Gordon
Institutions and political change in Russia, 106-129, 2000
Nudge or not, university teachers have mixed feelings about online teaching
S Banerjee, B Jambrina-Canseco, B Brundu-Gonzalez, C Gordon, J Carr
Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10 (1), 1-10, 2023
The European neighbourhood policy: effective instrument for conflict management and democratic change in the Union's eastern neighbourhood?
CE Gordon, G Sasse
EURAC, 2008
Evaluation of the EU framework for national Roma integration strategies
W Bartlett, C Gordon, B Kamphuis
European Parliament, 2015
South Eastern Europe, Israel and Turkey: trends, perspectives and challenges in strengthening vocational education for social inclusion and social cohesion
W Bartlett, M Cino Pagliarello, CE Gordon, S Milio
European Union, European Training Foundation, 2014
Stagnation and drift in the Western Balkans: the challenges of political, economic and social change
CE Gordon, M Kmezic, J Opardija
Verlag Peter Lang, 2013
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