Maartje Boer
Maartje Boer
Підтверджена електронна адреса в rivm.nl
Adolescents' intense and problematic social media use and their well-being in 29 countries
M Boer, RJJM Van Den Eijnden, M Boniel-Nissim, SL Wong, JC Inchley, ...
Journal of adolescent health 66 (6), S89-S99, 2020
Social media use and cyber-bullying: A cross-national analysis of young people in 42 countries
W Craig, M Boniel-Nissim, N King, SD Walsh, M Boer, PD Donnelly, ...
Journal of Adolescent Health 66 (6), S100-S108, 2020
Social media use intensity, social media use problems, and mental health among adolescents: Investigating directionality and mediating processes
M Boer, GWJM Stevens, C Finkenauer, ME de Looze, ...
Computers in Human Behavior 116, 106645, 2021
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder‐symptoms, social media use intensity, and social media use problems in adolescents: Investigating directionality
M Boer, G Stevens, C Finkenauer, R van den Eijnden
Child development 91 (4), e853-e865, 2020
HBSC 2017. Gezondheid en welzijn van jongeren in Nederland
GWJM Stevens, S Van Dorsselaer, M Boer, S De Roos, EL Duinhof, ...
Utrecht University, 2018
Perceived social support from different sources and adolescent life satisfaction across 42 countries/regions: The moderating role of national-level generalized trust
S Bi, GWJM Stevens, M Maes, M Boer, K Delaruelle, C Eriksson, ...
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 50 (7), 1384-1409, 2021
Cross‐national validation of the social media disorder scale: findings from adolescents from 44 countries
M Boer, RJJM van den Eijnden, C Finkenauer, M Boniel‐Nissim, ...
Addiction 117 (3), 784-795, 2022
Immigration status and bullying victimization: Associations across national and school contexts
GWJM Stevens, M Boer, PF Titzmann, A Cosma, SD Walsh
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 66, 101075, 2020
Validation of the Social Media Disorder (SMD) Scale in Dutch Adolescents: Findings from a Large-Scale Nationally Representative Sample
M Boer, G Stevens, I Koning, C Finkenauer, R Van den Eijnden
Assessment, 2021
The complex association between social media use intensity and adolescent wellbeing: A longitudinal investigation of five factors that may affect the association
M Boer, GWJM Stevens, C Finkenauer, RJJM van den Eijnden
Computers in Human Behavior 128, 107084, 2022
HBSC 2021. Gezondheid en welzijn van jongeren in Nederland
M Boer, S Van Dorsselaer, M de Looze, SA De Roos, H Brons, ...
Universiteit Utrecht, 2022
Geluk onder druk?: Onderzoek naar het mentaal welbevinden van jongeren in Nederland
M Kleinjan, I Pieper, G Stevens, N Van de Klundert, M Rombouts, M Boer, ...
UNICEF Netherlands, Den Haag, 2020
The course of problematic social media use in young adolescents: A latent class growth analysis
M Boer, GWJM Stevens, C Finkenauer, RJJM Van den Eijnden
Child Development 93 (2), e168-e187, 2022
National-level schoolwork pressure, family structure, internet use, and obesity as drivers of time trends in adolescent psychological complaints between 2002 and 2018
M Boer, A Cosma, JM Twenge, J Inchley, H Jeriček Klanšček, G Stevens
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 52 (10), 2061-2077, 2023
Media messages and attitudes toward Muslims and ethnic minorities: a panel study among ethnic majority adolescents in the Netherlands
M Boer, F van Tubergen
Social Science Research 83, 102311, 2019
Kans op financiële problemen 2016
A Van der Schors, M Van der Werf, M Boer
Utrecht: Nibud, 2016
The bidirectional relationships between fear of missing out, problematic social media use and adolescents’ well-being: A random intercept cross-lagged panel model
YY Li, IM Koning, C Finkenauer, M Boer, RJJM van den Eijnden
Computers in Human Behavior 154, 108160, 2024
The implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for the construction of the family affluence scale: Findings from 16 countries
M Boer, C Moreno-Maldonado, M Dierckens, M Lenzi, C Currie, ...
Child Indicators Research 17 (1), 395-418, 2024
Parental intention, attitudes, beliefs, trust and deliberation towards childhood vaccination in the Netherlands in 2022: Indications of change compared to 2013
M Knijff, A van Lier, M Boer, M de Vries, JM Hament, HE de Melker
Vaccine 42 (4), 801-811, 2024
Examining the role of civic attitudes in the link between family wealth and school dropout among tertiary vocational students
C Finkenauer, M Boer, J Spitzer, D Weinberg, K Visser, M Jonker, ...
npj Science of Learning 8 (1), 38, 2023
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