Kami Kosenko
Kami Kosenko
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ncsu.edu
Transgender patient perceptions of stigma in health care contexts
K Kosenko, L Rintamaki, S Raney, K Maness
Medical care 51 (9), 819-822, 2013
Sexting and sexual behavior, 2011–2015: A critical review and meta-analysis of a growing literature
K Kosenko, G Luurs, AR Binder
Journal of computer-mediated communication 22 (3), 141-160, 2017
Male patient perceptions of HIV stigma in health care contexts
LS Rintamaki, AM Scott, KA Kosenko, RE Jensen
AIDS patient care and STDs 21 (12), 956-969, 2007
Celebrity influence and identification: A test of the Angelina effect
KA Kosenko, AR Binder, R Hurley
Journal of Health Communication 21 (3), 318-326, 2016
Do message features influence reactions to HIV disclosures? A multiple-goals perspective
JP Caughlin, JJ Bute, E Donovan-Kicken, KA Kosenko, ME Ramey, ...
Health Communication 24 (3), 270-283, 2009
The message design logics of responses to HIV disclosures
JP Caughlin, DE Brashers, ME Ramey, KA Kosenko, E Donovan-Kicken, ...
Human Communication Research 34 (4), 655-684, 2008
Contextual influences on sexual risk-taking in the transgender community
KA Kosenko
Journal of Sex Research 48 (2-3), 285-296, 2011
Meanings and dilemmas of sexual safety and communication for transgender individuals
KA Kosenko
Health Communication 25 (2), 131-141, 2010
An exploration into the uses and gratifications of media for transgender individuals.
KA Kosenko, BJ Bond, RJ Hurley
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 7 (3), 274, 2018
The safer sex communication of transgender adults: Processes and problems
KA Kosenko
Journal of Communication 61 (3), 476-495, 2011
Uncertain terms: Message features of online cancer news
RJ Hurley, KA Kosenko, D Brashers
Communication Monographs 78 (3), 370-390, 2011
Sources of the uncertainty experienced by women with HPV
KA Kosenko, RJ Hurley, JA Harvey
Qualitative Health Research 22 (4), 534-545, 2012
The hijacked hashtag: The constitutive features of abortion stigma in the# ShoutYourAbortion Twitter campaign
K Kosenko, E Winderman, A Pugh
International Journal of Communication 13, 21-21, 2019
The role of stigma management in HIV treatment adherence
L Rintamaki, K Kosenko, T Hogan, AM Scott, C Dobmeier, E Tingue, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (24), 5003, 2019
The information management processes of women living with HPV
KA Kosenko, J Harvey-Knowles, RJ Hurley
Journal of health communication 19 (7), 813-824, 2014
Forms, functions, and foibles of humor used in AIDS service organizations
KA Kosenko, LS Rintamaki
Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care 21 (1), 25-35, 2010
Social support and living with HIV
DJ Goldsmith, DE Brashers, KA Kosenko, DJ O’Keefe
Communication Perspectives on HIV/AIDS for the 21st Century, 101-136, 2007
Helpful and challenging support encounters in the aftermath of HPV infection and diagnosis
KA Kosenko, E Craig, PhD, J Harvey-Knowles
Issues in mental health nursing 33 (6), 355-362, 2012
Chapter One Health Communication Patient-Centered Communication: The Experiences of Transgender Adults
K Kosenko, L Rintamaki, K Maness
Transgender communication studies: Histories, trends, and trajectories, 3, 2015
Diagnosing women with HPV: The impact of diagnosis disclosure methods
JA Harvey-Knowles, KA Kosenko
Patient education and counseling 88 (1), 152-156, 2012
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