Karol Furdik
Karol Furdik
Researcher and Assistant Professor of Computer Science, Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia
Підтверджена електронна адреса в stonline.sk - Домашня сторінка
The semantic middleware for networked embedded systems applied in the internet of things and services domain
P Kostelnik, M Sarnovsk, K Furdik
Scalable Computing: Practice and Experience 12 (3), 307-316, 2011
Integration of government services using semantic technologies
J Hreño, P Bednár, K Furdík, T Sabol
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 6 (1), 143-154, 2011
The network architecture designed for an adaptable IoT-based smart office solution
K Furdik, G Lukac, T Sabol, P Kostelnik
International Journal of Computer Networks and Communications Security 1 (6 …, 2013
Open Collaboration in Policy Development: Concept and Architecture to integrate scenario development and formal policy modelling
MA Wimmer, K Furdik, M Bicking, M Mach, T Sabol, P Butka
Empowering Open and Collaborative Governance: Technologies and Methods for …, 2012
Semantic integration of eGovernment services in Schleswig-Holstein
P Bednar, K Furdik, M Kleimann, R Klischewski, M Skokan, S Ukena
Electronic Government: 7th International Conference, EGOV 2008, Turin, Italy …, 2008
Food traceability chain supported by the ebbits IoT middleware
K Furdik, F Pramudianto, M Ahlsén, P Rosengren, P Kool, S Zhenyu, ...
Dynamics in Logistics: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference LDIC …, 2016
Dolovanie znalostí z textov
J Paralič, K Furdík, G Tutoky, P Bednár, M Sarnovský, P Butka, F Babič
Equilibria, Košice, 2010
Towards semantic modelling of business processes for networked enterprises
K Furdík, M Mach, T Sabol
E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 10th International Conference, EC-Web 2009 …, 2009
Events processing and device interoperability in a smart office IoT application
K Furdík, G Lukác
Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems, 387, 2012
A WSMO-based framework enabling semantic interoperability in e-government solutions
K Furdík, M Tomášek, J Hreňo
Acta Polytechnica Hungarica 8 (2), 61-79, 2011
An experiential design process and holistic model of user experience for supporting user co-creation
M Pallot, M Kalverkamp, S Vicini, B Trousse, A Vilmos, K Furdik, R Nikolov
Open Innovation Yearbook, 2014
Text mining services for trialogical learning
P Smrž, J Paralič, P Smatana, K Furdík
Proc. of the 6th annual conference Znalosti, 97-108, 2007
Employing semantic technologies for the orchestration of government services
T Sabol, K Furdík, M Mach
Semantic Technologies for E-Government, 47-74, 2010
The EBBITS Project: An Interoperability platform for a Real-world populated Internet of Things domain
V Vajda, K Furdík, J Glova, T Sabol
Proceedings of the International Conference Znalosti (Knowledge), Technical …, 2011
The Slovak Language in the Digital Age
M Šimková, R Garabík, K Gajdošová, M Laclavík, S Ondrejovič, J Juhár, ...
Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag-2012.-85 p, 2012
Conceptualisation and semantic annotation of egovernment services in WSMO
K Furdík, J Hreno, T Sabol
Proc. of Znalosti (Knowledge), 66-77, 2008
Framework for integration of e-Government Services on a Semantic Basis
K Furdik, T Sabol, P Bednar
na, 2007
Design and evaluation of a web system supporting various text mining tasks for the purposes of education and research
K Furdík, J Paralič, F Babič, P Butka, P Bednár
Acta Electrotechnica et Informatica 10 (1), 51-58, 2010
Semantic integration of government services-the Access-eGov approach
P Bednár, K Furdík, M Paralič, T Sabol, T Skokan
Conference eChallenges, 22-24, 2008
A process-oriented service infrastructure for networked enterprises
G Lukáč, T Sabol, M Tomášek, K Furdík
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 21, 1-16, 2017
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