Підтверджена електронна адреса в korea.ac.kr
Rational Design and Development of Lanthanide-Doped NaYF4@CdS–Au–RGO as Quaternary Plasmonic Photocatalysts for Harnessing Visible–Near-Infrared …
A Kumar, KL Reddy, S Kumar, A Kumar, V Sharma, V Krishnan
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (18), 15565-15581, 2018
Lanthanide doped near infrared active upconversion nanophosphors: fundamental concepts, synthesis strategies, and technological applications
K Lingeshwar Reddy, R Balaji, A Kumar, V Krishnan
Small 14 (37), 1801304, 2018
Nanocomposite of MoS2-RGO as Facile, Heterogeneous, Recyclable, and Highly Efficient Green Catalyst for One-Pot Synthesis of Indole Alkaloids
A Bahuguna, S Kumar, V Sharma, KL Reddy, K Bhattacharyya, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 5 (10), 8551-8567, 2017
Wide spectrum photocatalytic activity in lanthanide-doped upconversion nanophosphors coated with porous TiO2 and Ag-Cu bimetallic nanoparticles
KL Reddy, S Kumar, A Kumar, V Krishnan
Journal of hazardous materials 367, 694-705, 2019
Enhancement of Luminescence Intensity in Red Emitting NaYF4:Yb/Ho/Mn Upconversion Nanophosphors by Variation of Reaction Parameters
K Lingeshwar Reddy, V Srinivas, KR Shankar, S Kumar, V Sharma, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (21), 11783-11793, 2017
Near-infrared driven photocatalytic performance of lanthanide-doped NaYF4@ CdS core-shell nanostructures with enhanced upconversion properties
R Balaji, S Kumar, KL Reddy, V Sharma, K Bhattacharyya, V Krishnan
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 724, 481-491, 2017
Microwave-assisted one-step synthesis of acetate-capped NaYF4:Yb/Er upconversion nanocrystals and their application in bioimaging
KL Reddy
Journal of Materials Science, 2017
Amine-functionalized, porous silica-coated NaYF4: Yb/Er upconversion nanophosphors for efficient delivery of doxorubicin and curcumin
KL Reddy, PK Sharma, A Singh, A Kumar, KR Shankar, Y Singh, N Garg, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: C 96, 86-95, 2019
Controlled synthesis, bioimaging and toxicity assessments in strong red emitting Mn 2+ doped NaYF 4: Yb 3+/Ho 3+ nanophosphors
KL Reddy, M Rai, N Prabhakar, R Arppe, SB Rai, SK Singh, ...
RSC Advances 6 (59), 53698-53704, 2016
Transmitting biomolecular chirality into carbon nanodots: a facile approach to acquire chiral light emission at the nanoscale
S Maniappan, KL Reddy, J Kumar
Chemical Science 14 (3), 491-498, 2023
Selective and sensitive fluorescent detection of picric acid by new pyrene and anthracene based copper complexes
KL Reddy, AM Kumar, A Dhir, V Krishnan
Journal of fluorescence 26, 2041-2046, 2016
Mandelic acid appended chiral gels as efficient templates for multicolour circularly polarized luminescence
KL Reddy, JP Mathew, S Maniappan, C Tom, E Shiby, RK Pujala, ...
Nanoscale 14 (13), 4946-4956, 2022
Bioinspired functional surfaces for technological applications
V Sharma, S Kumar, KL Reddy, A Bahuguna, V Krishnan
Journal of Molecular and Engineering Materials 4 (01), 1640006, 2016
Amorphous titania matrix impregnated with Ag nanoparticles as a highly efficient visible-and sunlight-active photocatalyst material
V Sharma, G Harith, S Kumar, R Sharma, KL Reddy, A Bahuguna, ...
Materials technology 32 (8), 461-471, 2017
Core-shell structures of upconversion nanocrystals coated with silica for near infrared light enabled optical imaging of cancer cells
K Lingeshwar Reddy, N Prabhakar, JM Rosenholm, V Krishnan
Micromachines 9 (8), 400, 2018
Upconversion luminescent material‐based inorganic‐organic hybrid sensing system for the selective detection of hydrazine in environmental samples
KL Reddy, M Venkateswarulu, KR Shankar, S Ghosh, V Krishnan
ChemistrySelect 3 (6), 1793-1800, 2018
Conformation induced discrimination between picric acid and nitro derivatives/anions with a Cu-pyrene array: The first decision making photonic device
VK Richa Pandey, Lingeshwar Reddy, Shinsuke Ishihara, Abhimanew Dhir
RSC Advances 3, 21365-21368, 2013
New Ni‐Anthracene Complex for Selective and Sensitive Detection of 2, 4, 6‐Trinitrophenol
KL Reddy, AM Kumar, A Dhir, V Krishnan
International Journal of Spectroscopy 2018 (1), 1321427, 2018
A facile approach for the ligand free synthesis of biocompatible upconversion nanophosphors
E Shiby, KL Reddy, J Kumar
Frontiers in Chemistry 10, 904676, 2022
Spectral Engineering and Morphological Tuning of Amino Acid Capped Hydrophilic Upconversion Nanophosphors
KL Reddy, JP Mathew, E Shiby, J Kumar
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (47), 26263-26273, 2021
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