Kwan Min LEE
Kwan Min LEE
Korea Foundation Professor in CKS & New Media, Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information
Підтверджена електронна адреса в ntu.edu.sg - Домашня сторінка
Presence, explicated
KM Lee
Communication theory 14 (1), 27-50, 2004
Does computer-generated speech manifest personality? An experimental test of similarity-attraction
C Nass, KM Lee
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2000
Can robots manifest personality?: An empirical test of personality recognition, social responses, and social presence in human–robot interaction
KM Lee, W Peng, SA Jin, C Yan
Journal of communication 56 (4), 754-772, 2006
Are physically embodied social agents better than disembodied social agents?: The effects of physical embodiment, tactile interaction, and people's loneliness in human–robot …
KM Lee, Y Jung, J Kim, SR Kim
International journal of human-computer studies 64 (10), 962-973, 2006
Designing social presence of social actors in human computer interaction
KM Lee, C Nass
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human factors in computing systems …, 2003
University instructors’ acceptance of electronic courseware: An application of the technology acceptance model
N Park, KM Lee, PH Cheong
Journal of computer-mediated communication 13 (1), 163-186, 2007
Effects of screen size, viewing angle, and players’ immersion tendencies on game experience
J Hou, Y Nam, W Peng, KM Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 28 (2), 617-623, 2012
Understanding the acceptance of teleconferencing systems among employees: An extension of the technology acceptance model
N Park, M Rhoads, J Hou, KM Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 39, 118-127, 2014
Social-psychological origins of feelings of presence: Creating social presence with machine-generated voices
KM Lee, C Nass
Media Psychology 7 (1), 31-45, 2005
Social networking sites and other media use, acculturation stress, and psychological well-being among East Asian college students in the United States
N Park, H Song, KM Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 36, 138-146, 2014
Why presence occurs: Evolutionary psychology, media equation, and presence
KM Lee
Presence: Teleoperators & Virtual Environments 13 (4), 494-505, 2004
Games for a better life: effects of playing Wii games on the well-being of seniors in a long-term care facility
Y Jung, KJ Li, NS Janissa, WLC Gladys, KM Lee
Proceedings of the sixth Australasian conference on interactive …, 2009
Can a Robot be Perceived as a Developping Creature? Effects of a Robot's Long-term Cognitive Developments on its Social Presence and People's Social Responses toward it
KM Lee, N Park, H Song
Human Communication Research 31 (4), 538-563, 2005
Effects of Internet use on college students' political efficacy
KM Lee
Cyberpsychology & behavior 9 (4), 415-422, 2006
The effects of competition and competitiveness upon intrinsic motivation in exergames
H Song, J Kim, KE Tenzek, KM Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 29 (4), 1702-1708, 2013
The multiple source effect and synthesized speech: Doubly-disembodied language as a conceptual framework
KM Lee, C Nass
Human communication research 30 (2), 182-207, 2004
Effects of physical embodiment on social presence of social robots
Y Jung, KM Lee
Proceedings of PRESENCE 2004, 80-87, 2004
Narrative and interactivity in computer games
KM Lee, N Park, SA Jin
Playing video games, 304-322, 2012
Cognitive map or medium materiality? Reading on paper and screen
J Hou, J Rashid, KM Lee
Computers in Human Behavior 67, 84-94, 2017
Promoting exercise self-efficacy with an exergame
H Song, W Peng, KM Lee
Journal of health communication 16 (2), 148-162, 2011
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