Monica Ramirez-Andreotta
Monica Ramirez-Andreotta
Підтверджена електронна адреса в email.arizona.edu
A greenhouse and field-based study to determine the accumulation of arsenic in common homegrown vegetables grown in mining-affected soils
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, ML Brusseau, JF Artiola, RM Maier
Science of the Total Environment 443, 299-306, 2013
Building a co-created citizen science program with gardeners neighboring a superfund site: The Gardenroots case study
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, ML Brusseau, J Artiola, RM Maier, AJ Gandolfi
International public health journal 7 (1), 13, 2015
Home gardening near a mining site in an arsenic-endemic region of Arizona: Assessing arsenic exposure dose and risk via ingestion of home garden vegetables, soils, and water
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, ML Brusseau, P Beamer, RM Maier
Science of the Total Environment 454, 373-382, 2013
Participatory research for environmental justice: a critical interpretive synthesis
LF Davis, MD Ramírez-Andreotta
Environmental health perspectives 129 (2), 026001, 2021
Improving environmental health literacy and justice through environmental exposure results communication
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, JG Brody, N Lothrop, M Loh, PI Beamer, P Brown
International journal of environmental research and public health 13 (7), 690, 2016
Environmental impacts on human health and well-being
ML Brusseau, M Ramirez-Andreotta, IL Pepper, J Maximillian
Environmental and pollution science, 477-499, 2019
Environmental research translation: Enhancing interactions with communities at contaminated sites
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, ML Brusseau, JF Artiola, RM Maier, AJ Gandolfi
Science of the Total Environment 497, 651-664, 2014
Finding pathways to more equitable and meaningful public-scientist partnerships
D Soleri, JW Long, MD Ramirez-Andreotta, R Eitemiller, R Pandyaǁ
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice. 1 (1): 9 1 (1), 2016
Public participation, trust and data sharing: gardens as hubs for citizen science and environmental health literacy efforts
S Sandhaus, D Kaufmann, M Ramirez-Andreotta
International Journal of Science Education, Part B 9 (1), 54-71, 2019
Reporting back environmental exposure data and free choice learning
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, JG Brody, N Lothrop, M Loh, PI Beamer, P Brown
Environmental Health 15, 1-6, 2016
Increasing environmental health literacy through contextual learning in communities at risk
LF Davis, MD Ramirez-Andreotta, JET McLain, A Kilungo, L Abrell, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (10), 2203, 2018
Extracellular trapping of soil contaminants by root border cells: new insights into plant defense
MC Hawes, J McLain, M Ramirez-Andreotta, G Curlango-Rivera, ...
Agronomy 6 (1), 5, 2016
Engaging diverse citizen scientists for environmental health: recommendations from participants and promotoras
LF Davis, MD Ramírez-Andreotta, SR Buxner
Citizen Science: Theory and Practice 5 (1), 2020
Balancing benefits and risks of immortal data: Participants’ views of open consent in the Personal Genome Project
OA Zarate, JG Brody, P Brown, MD Ramirez‐Andreotta, L Perovich, ...
Hastings Center Report 46 (1), 36-45, 2016
Ingestion and inhalation of metal (loid) s through preschool gardening: an exposure and risk assessment in legacy mining communities
I Manjón, MD Ramírez-Andreotta, AE Sáez, RA Root, J Hild, MK Janes, ...
Science of The Total Environment 718, 134639, 2020
Analyzing patterns of community interest at a legacy mining waste site to assess and inform environmental health literacy efforts
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, N Lothrop, ST Wilkinson, RA Root, JF Artiola, ...
Journal of environmental studies and sciences 6, 543-555, 2016
Understanding the intrinsic and extrinsic motivations associated with community gardening to improve environmental public health prevention and intervention
MD Ramirez-Andreotta, A Tapper, D Clough, JS Carrera, S Sandhaus
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (3), 494, 2019
Environmental justice
M Ramirez-Andreotta
Environmental and pollution science, 573-583, 2019
Stakeholder Analysis: International Citizen Science Stakeholder Analysis on Data Interoperability Final Report.
C Göbel, VY Martin, MD Ramirez-Andreotta
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars., 2017
Effective integrated frameworks for assessing mining sustainability
KM Virgone, M Ramirez-Andreotta, J Mainhagu, ML Brusseau
Environmental geochemistry and health 40, 2635-2655, 2018
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