Sowmya Dhanaraj
Sowmya Dhanaraj
Senior Research Fellow, Good Business Lab
Підтверджена електронна адреса в goodbusinesslab.org - Домашня сторінка
Family structure, education and women’s employment in rural India
S Dhanaraj, V Mahambare
World Development 115, 17-29, 2019
Economic vulnerability to health shocks and coping strategies: evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India
S Dhanaraj
Health policy and planning 31 (6), 749-758, 2016
Dynamic interdependence between US and Asian markets: an empirical study
S Dhanaraj, AK Gopalaswamy, S Babu M
Journal of Financial Economic Policy 5 (2), 220-237, 2013
Male backlash and female guilt: women’s employment and intimate Partner Violence in Urban India
S Dhanaraj, V Mahambare
Feminist economics 28 (1), 170-198, 2022
Effects of parental health shocks on children’s schooling: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India
S Dhanaraj
International Journal of Educational Development 49, 115-125, 2016
From income to household welfare: lessons from refrigerator ownership in India
S Dhanaraj, V Mahambare, P Munjal
Journal of Quantitative Economics 16, 573-588, 2018
Universal PDS: efficiency and equity dimensions
S Dhanaraj, S Gade
Available at SSRN 2020130, 2012
Women's challenging commutes in southern India: A case of the metropolitan region of Chennai
V Mahambare, S Dhanaraj
Cities 127, 103738, 2022
Household income dynamics and investment in children: Evidence from India
S Dhanaraj, CM Paul, S Gade
Education Economics 27 (5), 507-520, 2019
Trade, financial flows and stock market interdependence: evidence from Asian markets
S Dhanaraj, AK Gopalaswamy, MS Babu
Empirical Economics Review 7 (1), 15-34, 2017
Health shocks and short-term consumption growth
S Dhanaraj, N Srinivasan, V Mahambare, M Ramach, P Kumar, KK Kumar, ...
(Working Paper No 112), 2015
The political budget cycles in the presence of a fiscal rule: The case of farm debt waivers in India
V Mahambare, S Dhanaraj, P Mittal
Journal of Policy Modeling 44 (3), 701-721, 2022
Workers are moving off Indian farms but where are they going
D Mahambare, SV Sharma
Mint, 2021
Determinants of Child Health: An Empirical Analysis
S Dhanaraj
Madras School of Economics Working Paper 136, 2015
Commuting, transport infrastructure and gender: evidence from Indian metros
V Mahambare, S Dhanaraj, M Srinivasan, A Christopher
Journal of Social and Economic Development, 1-26, 2025
Do Three-Generational Households Invest Less in Children's Education? Evidence from Rural India
V Mahambare, S Dhanaraj
Evidence from Rural India, 2022
The difference education makes to what the salaried earn in India
V Mahambare, S Dhanaraj
Mint, 2021
Child Work and Schooling in Rural India: What Do Time Use Data Say about Trade-offs and Drivers of Human Capital Investment?
S Narayanan, S Dhanaraj
Indian Journal of Human Development 12 (3), 378-400, 2018
Health shocks welfare consequences and policy implications
S Dhanaraj
Mumbai, 0
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