Hui Jiang
Hui Jiang
The Crane Center of Early Childhood Research and Policy
Підтверджена електронна адреса в osu.edu
Linguistic environment of preschool classrooms: What dimensions support children’s language growth?
LM Justice, H Jiang, K Strasser
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 42, 79-92, 2018
Conditions of poverty, parent–child interactions, and toddlers’ early language skills in low-income families
LM Justice, H Jiang, KM Purtell, K Schmeer, K Boone, R Bates, ...
Maternal and child health journal 23, 971-978, 2019
Child behavior problems during COVID-19: Associations with parent distress and child social-emotional skills
J Sun, B Singletary, H Jiang, LM Justice, TJ Lin, KM Purtell
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 78, 101375, 2022
Improving reading comprehension in the primary grades: Mediated effects of a language-focused classroom intervention
Language and Reading Research Consortium (LARRC), H Jiang, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 62 (8), 2812-2828, 2019
Are working memory and behavioral attention equally important for both reading and listening comprehension? A developmental comparison
H Jiang, K Farquharson
Reading and writing 31, 1449-1477, 2018
Understanding policies and practices that support successful transitions to kindergarten
KM Purtell, A Valauri, A Rhoad-Drogalis, H Jiang, LM Justice, TJ Lin, ...
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 52, 5-14, 2020
Influences of teacher–child relationships and classroom social management on child-perceived peer social experiences during early school years
J Chen, H Jiang, LM Justice, TJ Lin, KM Purtell, A Ansari
Frontiers in psychology 11, 586991, 2020
Prevalence and prediction of kindergarten-transition difficulties
H Jiang, L Justice, KM Purtell, TJ Lin, J Logan
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 55, 15-23, 2021
Kindergarten readiness profiles of rural, Appalachian children from low-income households
LM Justice, H Jiang, KS Khan, JM Dynia
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 50, 1-14, 2017
Understanding family life during the COVID‐19 shutdown
B Singletary, KK Schmeer, KM Purtell, RC Sayers, LM Justice, TJ Lin, ...
Family Relations 71 (2), 475-493, 2022
Language disparities related to maternal education emerge by two years in a low-income sample
LM Justice, H Jiang, R Bates, A Koury
Maternal and child health journal 24, 1419-1427, 2020
Home-literacy environment of low-income rural families: Association with child-and caregiver-level characteristics
MJ Myrtil, LM Justice, H Jiang
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 60, 1-10, 2019
Algorithm-Driven Dosage Decisions (AD3): Optimizing Treatment for Children With Language Impairment
LM Justice, J Logan, H Jiang, MB Schmitt
American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology 26 (1), 57-68, 2017
Modeling the nature of grammar and vocabulary trajectories from prekindergarten to third grade
R LARRC, Jiang, H., Logan, J., & Jia
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 61, 910-923, 2018
Academics of the early primary grades: Investigating the alignment of instructional practices from pre-K to third grade
LM Justice, H Jiang, KM Purtell, TJ Lin, A Ansari
Early Education and Development 33 (7), 1237-1255, 2022
Predictors of language gains among school-age children with language impairment in the public schools
LM Justice, H Jiang, JA Logan, MB Schmitt
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 60 (6), 1590-1605, 2017
Should I allow my confirmatory factors to correlate during factor score extraction? Implications for the applied researcher
JAR Logan, H Jiang, N Helsabeck, G Yeomans-Maldonado
Quality & Quantity, 1-25, 2021
Effects of Read It Again! in early childhood special education classrooms as compared to regular shared book reading
SB Piasta, B Sawyer, LM Justice, AA O’Connell, H Jiang, M Dogucu, ...
Journal of Early Intervention 42 (3), 224-243, 2020
Sustained effects of an early childhood language and literacy intervention through second grade: Longitudinal findings of the SPELL trial in Denmark
D Bleses, PS Dale, L Justice, A Højen, BD Vind, H Jiang
Plos one 16 (10), e0258287, 2021
Sociodemographics and chronic stress in mother–toddler dyads living in poverty
RA Bates, JL Ford, H Jiang, R Pickler, LM Justice, JM Dynia, ...
Developmental psychobiology 63 (6), e22179, 2021
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